Can this be done?
I have an internal web server behind an ASA 5510 w. 8.2 firmware
I can do the regular outside to inside NATting just fine but now a new requirement has come up that when the port 80 connect comes in from a specific subnet out on the Internet, it needs to be redirected to port 8080 of the inside host. All other subnets continue to have the regular NAT
Is this something that can be done with policy NAT?
I can create an access list
access-list BADGUYS permit tcp host eq 80
which defines the rule that matches BADGUYS
and my regular NAT rule
static (inside,outside) tcp interface 80 80 netmask
which works just fine
but how do I get the policy NAT statement to redirect to port 8080 when access-list BADGUYS is matched?