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ASA5510 w/dual ISPs and static nat on backup if

Level 1
Level 1

Goal: Looking to have an ASA5510 with two internet feeds. Moreover, I would like to have my static nat translations continue to work on the backup feed. I have outbound nat working, however I cannot get the inbound nat to work. I had this all figured out in 7.x but now with 8.x I cannot seem to get it working. If anyone has a 8.x example config or guidance it would be greatly appreciated.

interface Ethernet0/0.1

description EXTERNAL-COMCAST(vlan98)

vlan 98

nameif outside-comcast

security-level 0

ip address


interface Ethernet0/0.2

description EXTERNAL-ONECOMM(vlan100)

vlan 100

nameif outside-onecomm

security-level 0

ip address


interface Ethernet0/1.1

description INSIDE(vlan103)

vlan 103

nameif inside

security-level 100

ip address



object network Exchange-SMTP



access-list outside_in extended permit tcp any host eq smtp


nat (inside,outside-comcast) source dynamic any interface

nat (inside,outside-onecomm) source dynamic any interface



object network Exchange-SMTP

nat (inside,outside-onecomm) static interface service tcp smtp smtp


access-group outside_in in interface outside-comcast

access-group outside_in in interface outside-onecomm

route outside-comcast 1 track 1

route outside-onecomm 254

sla monitor 123

type echo protocol ipIcmpEcho interface outside-comcast

num-packets 3

frequency 10

sla monitor schedule 123 life forever start-time now

4 Replies 4

Peter Koltl
Level 7
Level 7

You omitted the important part of the config: defining object service smtp. It should be

src: 25 dst: - (0-65535) 

(reverse to what one might think)

You can check the result with 'show xlate'. It should contain '25-25'

I guess two such NATs for two ISPs can't be set up for the same server IP - they are in conflict.


Well, the SMTP nat/port forwarding works fine if I setup nat in the typical 8.x way, ie., in the network object for inside.

object network inside

nat (inside,outside-comcast) dynamic interface

So the service object I omitted shouldnt be the issue.

What breaks it is removing the nat command in the inside object and using the two older style nat commands as I've seen recommended for doing dual ISPs. Which, I gather, is because you cannot specify two nat() commands in the inside network object:

nat (inside,outside-comcast) source dynamic any interface

nat (inside,outside-onecomm) source dynamic any interface

"I guess two such NATs for two ISPs can't be set up for the same server IP - they are in conflict."

I'm only looking to do a static NAT, for, on one public interface/ISP.

I'm sorry, the object service src definition applies only to twice NAT, not to object NAT.

Please include 'show run nat' and 'show xlate' output

8.3 or 8.2 ?


NTI-FW1# sh run nat

nat (inside,outside-onecomm) source dynamic any interface

nat (inside,outside-comcast) source dynamic any interface


object network Exchange-SMTP

nat (inside,outside-comcast) static interface service tcp smtp smtp

object network Exchange-HTTP

nat (inside,outside-comcast) static interface service tcp www www

object network Exchange-HTTPS

nat (inside,outside-comcast) static interface service tcp https https

object network Exchange-POP3

nat (inside,outside-comcast) static interface service tcp pop3 pop3

object network Exchange-IMAP

nat (inside,outside-comcast) static interface service tcp imap4 imap4

object network Exchange-POP3S

nat (inside,outside-comcast) static interface service tcp 995 995

object network Exchange-SMTP587

nat (inside,outside-comcast) static interface service tcp 587 587

object network Stimpy-SSH

nat (inside,outside-onecomm) static interface service tcp ssh ssh

object network Nagios-5666

nat (inside,outside-onecomm) static interface service tcp 5666 5666

object network Genie-COMMIT

nat (inside,outside-onecomm) static interface service tcp 4962 4962

NTI-FW1# show xlate

10 in use, 11 most used

Flags: D - DNS, i - dynamic, r - portmap, s - static, I - identity, T - twice

       e - extended

TCP PAT from inside: 22-22 to outside-onecomm: 22-22

    flags sr idle 5:34:32 timeout 0:00:00

TCP PAT from inside: 80-80 to outside-comcast: 80-80

    flags sr idle 5:34:32 timeout 0:00:00

TCP PAT from inside: 443-443 to outside-comcast: 443-443

    flags sr idle 5:34:32 timeout 0:00:00

TCP PAT from inside: 143-143 to outside-comcast: 143-143

    flags sr idle 5:34:32 timeout 0:00:00

TCP PAT from inside: 110-110 to outside-comcast: 110-110

    flags sr idle 5:34:32 timeout 0:00:00

TCP PAT from inside: 995-995 to outside-comcast: 995-995

    flags sr idle 5:34:32 timeout 0:00:00

TCP PAT from inside: 25-25 to outside-comcast: 25-25

    flags sr idle 0:42:51 timeout 0:00:00

TCP PAT from inside: 587-587 to outside-comcast: 587-587

    flags sr idle 5:34:32 timeout 0:00:00

TCP PAT from inside: 4962-4962 to outside-onecomm: 4962-4962

    flags sr idle 5:34:32 timeout 0:00:00

TCP PAT from inside: 5666-5666 to outside-onecomm:

    flags sr idle 5:34:32 timeout 0:00:00

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