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Dear All,Iam getting a error on syslog is below5Jul 15 201222:42:40711005-Traceback: 08067125 08828D95 08828FBB 08BB17A2 08B836F5 089943A4 0899524C 08463DEA 08464382 084646A4 0846AB4D 08066113It was showing software ASA IOS is going to crash...

Dears,i have one ASA running version (8.2) and another one running version (8.4).. i want to replace them with each other.. my question is: if i backup the configuration from (8.2) and upload it to (8.4), will this ASA (8.4) accept this configuration...

Dear All,We use ASDM 6.2 to manage our Cisco ASA 5520 running ASA Software Version 8.2 (1).I just noticed that some static routes have "A-" when you view the static routes with ASDM e.g. A- or A- (pls see attached print screen)...

imuonagor by Level 1
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I have an ASA5505 running ver 8.0(2). I have configured the ssh timeout, ssh host commands and did the crypto key gen. I am unable to access the device from the host I am allowing. Is there like ca save all command required? I am trying to use the de...

lalsingh by Level 1
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Resolved! Regarding CBAC

What is actually special feature regarding CBAC firewall...I studied Todd lammle's sybex CCNA study guide and hve came to know that in CBAC based IOS firewall we can limit access based on that can be done via extended access list al...

Zone: Outside  Member Interfaces:    Dialer0Zone: Inside  Member Interfaces:    Virtual-Template1    Vlan1102Zone: Guest  Member Interfaces:    Vlan1104Zone-pair              : Inside-to-GuestSource Zone            : InsideDestination Zone       : Gu...

Hey all. This must be a pretty straightforward query...When you 'shutdown' an ASA interface, the status is 'administratively shutdown' but physically the link is still 'up' (link LED on the ASA and the switch it connects to!). Why? On a router or swi...

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