The configuration doesnt make sense to me atleast.
It seems to me that you are simply allowing traffic from behind "inside" interface to "any" destination IP address with the destination port TCP/60892. These configurations would not allow any connections from Internet to your internal host.
If you are attempting to connect to some internal host from the external network then you will need the NAT configuration and ACL allowing the traffic on your ASAs external interface.
To change the default port you would typically configure Static PAT (Port Forward)
object network RDP-SERVER
nat (inside,outside) static interface service tcp 3389 60892
Then you will need to check the ACL attached to your "outside" interface
show run access-group
If you see an ACL attached to the "outside" interface then you should add a rule to that ACL
access-list permit tcp any object RDP-SERVER eq 3389
You would then need to connect from the external network to your ASAs public IP address with the port TCP/60892 for the connection to be forwarded to the local IP address and port TCP/3389 by the NAT configuration.
- Jouni