If you are trying to manage/access the PIX from the outside, you can use
First you need to have a DES or 3DES license on the PIX. The DES is a free
license, you will just need to apply for it from this URL -
http://www.cisco.com/cgi-bin/Software/FormManager/formgenerator.pl?pid=221&fid=324 (You need a CCO login for this). You will then need to load it into the
firewall and reboot it. (Unless you have v6.2). Anyway, once that is done,
do the following.
Create a hostname or use your existing one
Assign a domain name
ca generate rsa key 1024 - creates a 1024 bit key used for private/public key encryption.
ca save all
Add the following commands to your config
ssh outside
ssh timeout x
SSH comes with all Linux/Unix flavors.
If you have Windows, here is a link which you can download an ssh client to use - http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA002416/teraterm.html - Install this and then download the ssh .dll's from this link - http://www.zip.com.au/~roca/ttssh.html
and unzip the files into the same directory where you installed terraterm pro. You will then be able to connect.
You can use telnet with the if_name option,but in order to connect you will need IPSEC configured on the PIX.
Hope this helps/what you are looking for.