%ASA-6-110003: Routing failed to locate next hop for protocol from src
interface: src IP/src port to dest interface: dest IP/dest port
Explanation An error occurred when the security appliance tried to find the next hop on the interface's routing table.
â¢protocol-The protocol of the packet
â¢src interface-The interface on which the packet was received from
â¢src IP-The source IP address of the packet
â¢src port-The source port number
â¢dest interface-The interface to which the packet is forwarded
â¢dest IP- The destination IP address of the packet
â¢dest port-The destination port number
Recommended Action Copy the error message together with the configuration and any events leading up to the error, and
submit this information to Cisco TAC. In addition, use the show asp table routing command to view routing table details.