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Scheduled backup of ASA multicontext configuration

Bernd Nies
Level 1
Level 1


I wrote the Python script shown below to backup multiple ASA firewalls in single or multiple context mode, with and without failover. If ASA is in failover mode, then also config from standby unit is backed up. Normally this should be identical, but sometimes Cisco developers screw up their code ...


#!/usr/bin/env python3.11
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Backup of Cisco ASA firewalls with multiple contexts.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Requires a backup user with the following minimal privileges on the
# firewall admin and system contexts:
#     changeto context admin
#     enable password ********** level 6
#     username backup privilege 6
#     username backup attributes
#      ssh authentication publickey ThEeNcRyPtEdSsHpUbLiCkEy==
#     changeto admin
#     privilege show level 6 command mode
#     privilege show level 6 command version
#     privilege show level 6 command context
#     privilege show level 6 command interface
#     privilege cmd level 6 command changeto
#     changeto system
#     privilege show level 6 mode exec command tech-support
#     privilege cmd level 6 command backup
#     privilege cmd level 6 command delete
#     privilege cmd level 6 mode exec command copy
# The SSH authentication public key is from the backup user on backup host.
# Before running the backup command on the firewall, first run a
# a normal copy command to the scp destination to add the SSH public host key.

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Constants
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

CFG_DEFAULTFILE = "~/.asa_backup.yaml"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Import Libraries
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Netmiko:

import argparse
import yaml
import os
import re
import socket
import subprocess
import sys

from datetime import datetime
from netmiko import ConnectHandler
from pprint import pprint

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# is_resolvable
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Returns True if the hostname is resolvable via DNS. False otherwise.
def is_resolvable(host):
        return True
    except socket.error:
        return False

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# is_host_reachable
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check if a host is reachable.
# Returns: True if the host is reachable, False otherwise
def is_host_reachable(host):
    result =['ping', '-c', '1', host],
        stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
    return result.returncode == 0

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# read_yamlfile
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Reads YAML file given as argument. Returns dict with the data.
def read_yamlfile(file_path):
        with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
            data = yaml.safe_load(file)
        return data
    except yaml.YAMLError as e:
        print(f"YAML format error: {e}")

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# read_configfile
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Read configuration file in YAML format and set default values if not
# defined. Simplifies further code and error checking. :-)
# Returns a dict with the configuration parameters.
def read_configfile(file_path):
    if not file_path:
        file_path = os.path.expanduser(CFG_DEFAULTFILE)
    if not os.path.exists(file_path):
        sys.exit(f"Config file {file_path} does not exist!")
    if not os.access(file_path, os.R_OK):
        sys.exit(f"Config file {file_path} is not readable!")
    cfg = read_yamlfile(file_path)
    for fw in cfg["firewalls"]:
        for key in cfg["defaults"]:
            if key not in cfg["firewalls"][fw]:
                cfg["firewalls"][fw][key] = cfg["defaults"][key]
    return cfg

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# validate_firewalls
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Validate commandline argument firewalls. If empty returns full list of
# firewalls defined in configuration file. Aborts if firewalls given are not
# listed in config file. Returns list of firewalls.
def validate_firewalls(cfg, args_firewalls):
    firewalls = []
    if not args_firewalls:
        firewalls = cfg["firewalls"].keys()
    elif set(args_firewalls).issubset(set(cfg["firewalls"].keys())):
        firewalls = args_firewalls
    elif len(args_firewalls) == 1 and args_firewalls[0] == "all":
        firewalls = cfg["firewalls"].keys()
        missing = set(args_firewalls) - set(cfg["firewalls"].keys())
        sys.exit(f"Firewalls not allowed: {missing}")
    return list(set(firewalls))

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# get_retention_slot
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define retention filename slot for simple retention algorithm:
# Daily up to 7 per week
# Monthly up to 12 per year on 1st day of month.
# Yearly up to forever on 1st of January
# Run script daily after midnight.
def get_retention_slot():
    dt =
    if == 1 and dt.month == 1:
        slot = "yearly_{}".format(dt.year)
    elif == 1:
        slot = "monthly_{}".format(dt.month)
        slot = "daily_{}".format(dt.weekday())

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# get_version
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Returns the ASA software version as dict with major, minor, maintenance
# and interim.
# Example: Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Software Version 9.16(3)23
# major = 9, minor = 16, maintenance = 3, interim = 23
def get_version(conn):
    output = conn.send_command("show version | include ^Cisco.*Appliance.*Version")
    digits = re.findall(r'\d+', output)
    version = {
        "major":       int(digits[0]),
        "minor":       int(digits[1]),
        "maintenance": int(digits[2]),
        "interim":     int(digits[3])

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# get_context_mode
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Queries context mode of the ASA firewall. Change to system context if ASA
# has multiple contexts. Returns context mode (single, multiple).
def get_context_mode(conn):
    pattern = re.compile(r'Security context mode: (single|multiple)')
    output = conn.send_command("show mode")
    match =

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# get_failover_units
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_failover_units(conn):
    units = [ "active" ]
    output = conn.send_command("show failover | include ^Failover (On|Off)")
    if re.match(r'^Failover On', output):

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# get_contexts
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show contexts, parse output, append context names into list contexts.
# Returns list of context names, starting with system.
def get_contexts(conn):
    pattern = re.compile(r'^[ \*]([A-Za-z0-9\-]+)')
    contexts = [ "system" ]
    output = conn.send_command("show context")
    for line in output.split('\n'):
        if match :=

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# get_interface_hack
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# In single context mode, when accessing ASA through a VPN tunnel and doing a
# copy command, the ASA uses the public interface IP as source address. The
# copy command then fails because traffic is not encrypted through the VPN
# tunnel. Appending the option ";int=inside" is an undocumented hack to use
# the inside IP address instead. Works only for the copy command, not for
# the backup command.
def get_interface_hack(conn):
    ihack = ""
    output = conn.send_command("show interface inside | include ^Interface")
    if re.match(r'^Interface.*inside.*is up', output):
        ihack = ";int=inside"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# run_batch_commands
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Run array of commands on active ASA (default) or on standby unit.
def run_batch_commands(conn, commands, unit="active"):
    for command in commands:
        if unit == "standby":
            command = f"failover exec {unit} {command}"
        output = conn.send_command(command)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# copy_tech_support
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sending tech-support directly to scp path fails. Copy first to flash disk,
# then copy, then delete.
def copy_tech_support(conn, unit, backup_url, ihack):
    print(f"Collecting tech-support on {unit} unit  ...")

    file = f"tech-support_{unit}.txt"
    commands = [
        f"show tech-support file flash:/{file}",
        f"copy /noconfirm flash:/{file} {backup_url}/{file}{ihack}",
        f"delete /noconfirm flash:/{file}"
    run_batch_commands(conn, commands, unit)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# copy_config
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copy running-config and startup-config to backup_url. In single mode it is
# the entire configuration in multiple context mode it is only the system
# context.
def copy_config(conn, unit, backup_url, ihack, contexts):
    print(f"Collecting config on {unit} unit ...")

    commands = [
      f"copy /noconfirm running-config {backup_url}/running-config_{unit}.cfg{ihack}",
      f"copy /noconfirm startup-config {backup_url}/startup-config_{unit}.cfg{ihack}"

    # We have contexts. Also backup the context configs individually.
    if isinstance(contexts, list) and len(contexts) > 0:
        pattern = re.compile(r'^\s*config-url\s+(\S+)')
        for context in contexts:
            output = conn.send_command(f"show run context {context} | include config-url")
            if match :=
                srcfile =
                commands.append(f"copy /noconfirm {srcfile} {backup_url}/context_{context}_{unit}.cfg{ihack}")

    run_batch_commands(conn, commands, unit)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# run_backup
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The backup command was added with ASA version 9.3(2).
# It contains the running-config, startup-config, certificates and if there
# was no bug with multiple contexts, also webvpn data such as anyconnect
# packages, but backup of WebVPN data fails in multiple contexts.
# First run a backup to flash disk and then copy it via scp due to Cisco bug
# CSCvh02142.
def run_backup(conn, unit, backup_url, ihack, contexts, passphrase):
    ver = get_version(conn)
    if not (ver["major"] >= 9 and ver["minor"] >= 3 and ver["maintenance"] >= 2):
        print("Backup command not invented yet.")

    if not contexts:
        print(f"Backing up single context on {unit} unit ...")
        file = f"backup_{unit}.tar.gz"
        commands = [
            f"backup /noconfirm passphrase {passphrase} location flash:/{file}",
            f"copy /noconfirm flash:/{file} {backup_url}/{file}{ihack}",
            f"delete /noconfirm flash:/{file}"
        run_batch_commands(conn, commands, unit)

    elif isinstance(contexts, list) and len(contexts) > 0:
        for context in contexts:
            print(f"Backing up context {context} on {unit} unit ...")
            file = f"backup_{context}_{unit}.tar.gz"
            commands = [
                f"backup /noconfirm context {context} passphrase {passphrase} location flash:/{file}",
                f"copy /noconfirm flash:/{file} {backup_url}/{file}{ihack}",
                f"delete /noconfirm flash:/{file}"
            run_batch_commands(conn, commands, unit)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# backup_firewall
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def backup_firewall(cfg, fw):
    hostname = cfg["firewalls"][fw]["hostname"]

    if not is_resolvable(hostname):
        print(f"ERROR: Host {hostname} is not resolvable!")

    if not is_host_reachable(hostname):
        print(f"ERROR: Host {hostname} is not reachable!")

    slot = get_retention_slot()
    destdir = "/".join([cfg["firewalls"][fw]["backup-dir"], fw, slot])

    print("=" * 80)
    print("Firewall name   : {}".format(fw))
    print("Firewall host   : {}".format(hostname))
    print("Backup host     : {}".format(cfg["firewalls"][fw]["backup-host"]))
    print("Backup directory: {}".format(destdir))
    print("=" * 80)

    backup_url = "scp://{}:{}@{}/{}".format(
        cfg["firewalls"][fw]["backup-host"], destdir

    if not os.path.exists(destdir):

    cisco_asa = {
        "host":                  hostname,
        "device_type":           "cisco_asa",
        "username":              cfg["firewalls"][fw]["username"],
        "password":              cfg["firewalls"][fw]["password"],
        "secret":                cfg["firewalls"][fw]["enable-secret"],
        "read_timeout_override": cfg["firewalls"][fw]["read-timeout"],
        "conn_timeout":          cfg["firewalls"][fw]["conn-timeout"],
        "session_log":           destdir + "/" + "session.log",
        "use_keys":              True,
        "key_file":              cfg["firewalls"][fw]["ssh-key"],
        "disable_sha2_fix":      True,
        "verbose":               True,

        with ConnectHandler(**cisco_asa) as conn:
            context_mode = get_context_mode(conn)
            failover_units = get_failover_units(conn)
            passphrase = cfg["firewalls"][fw]["password"]

            if context_mode == "single":
                ihack = get_interface_hack(conn)
                contexts = False
            elif context_mode == "multiple":
                ihack = ""
                conn.send_command("changeto system")
                contexts = get_contexts(conn)

            for unit in failover_units:
                copy_tech_support(conn, unit, backup_url, ihack)
                copy_config(conn, unit, backup_url, ihack, contexts)
                run_backup(conn, unit, backup_url, ihack, contexts, passphrase)

    except Exception as e:
        print(f"SSH to {hostname} failed: {e}")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# get_arguments
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Read commandline arguments. Returns a Namespace object with all the given
# arguments.
def get_arguments():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="Update object-groups on the Cisco firewalls.")
    parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', required=False,
        metavar="FILENAME", help="Configuration file in YAML format.")
    parser.add_argument('-f', '--firewalls', required=True, nargs='+',
        metavar="NAME", help="""Select firewalls (HA pairs) to be updated as
        listed in the YAML config file. If not used or set to 'all', all
        configured firewalls are backed up.""")
    args = parser.parse_args()
    return args

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Read commandline arguments, configuration file and iterate over the fire-
# walls given as argument or in configuration file.
if __name__ == "__main__":
    args = get_arguments()
    cfg = read_configfile(args.config)
    firewalls = validate_firewalls(cfg, args.firewalls)

    for fw in firewalls:
        backup_firewall(cfg, fw)


Configuration file:


# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Use yamllint <thisfile> for syntax checking after editing this file.
# Defaults to be used for all the firewalls defined further below. They can
# be overwritten when needed. The device type is from Python netmiko library
# See for more.

  device-type: cisco_asa
  conn-timeout: 30
  read-timeout: 1800
  username: backup
  password: **********
  ssh-key: ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  enable-level: 6
  backup-host: 10.0.x.y
  backup-username: ciscobackup
  backup-password: **********
  backup-dir: /mnt/backup/cisco/asa

# Cisco ASA firewalls and contexts to be processed.
# Default parameters from above can be overwritten if needed.

    enable-secret: **********
    enable-secret: **********


Code uses daily, monthly and yearly retention slots to store backup.


├── daily_0
├── daily_1
├── daily_2
├── daily_3
├── daily_4
├── daily_5
├── daily_6
├── monthly_02
├── monthly_03
├── monthly_04
├── monthly_05
├── monthly_06
├── monthly_07
├── monthly_08
├── monthly_09
├── monthly_10
├── monthly_11
├── monthly_12
├── yearly_2021
├── yearly_2022
├── yearly_2023
└── yearly_2024




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