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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Continuing the story

The first blog in this series gave an overview of network Plug and Play and how it could be used on APIC-EM.  The second blog gave examples of how network-device configuration template could be created programmatically and using the REST API, uploaded to the controller along with the PnP rules and projects.  This blog provides an "all-in-one" script to tie all the scripts together using a client library called Uniq.

I also cover the code needed to build a Cisco-Spark chat-ops bot to integrate into the PnP API.  The output is shown below.



As usual, all the source code is in a Github repository.  Here are the steps you need to take to download them in a terminal session.

git clone

cd apic-em-samples-aradford/

cd uniq_samples/code_samples/PnP

Here is what the output should look like  when you run the commands above in a command window.  NOTE:  This is for linux/MAC, windows is outside the scope of this blog.

$ git clone

Cloning into 'apic-em-samples-aradford'...

remote: Counting objects: 409, done.

remote: Total 409 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 409

Receiving objects: 100% (409/409), 580.75 KiB | 523.00 KiB/s, done.

Resolving deltas: 100% (198/198), done.

Checking connectivity... done.

$ cd apic-em-samples-aradford/

$ cd uniq_samples/code_samples/PnP

$ ls   __pycache__   bot                   work_files

Installing Uniq

Cisco has recently published a client library for APIC-EM.  It does require python3.   As per recommended best practice I am going to use a virtual environment for installing custom packages.  Here are the commands you need to use in a terminal window:

virtualenv -p python3 env

source env/bin/activate

pip3 install uniq

Here is the output from running those commands:

$ virtualenv -p python3 env

Running virtualenv with interpreter /usr/local/bin/python3

Using base prefix '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4'

New python executable in /private/tmp/adam/env/bin/python3

Also creating executable in /private/tmp/adam/env/bin/python

Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...done.

$ source env/bin/activate

(env)$ pip3 install uniq

Collecting uniq

  Downloading uniq- (521kB)

    100% |████████████████████████████████| 522kB 1.1MB/s

Collecting requests>=2.6.0 (from uniq)

  Using cached requests-2.10.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl

Installing collected packages: requests, uniq

Successfully installed requests-2.10.0 uniq-


Automatic Creation of Configuration Files

As discussed in blog2, a jinja2 template is used to aid the generation of configuration files.  The file you can see there are two variables: "hostname" and "ipAddress".  These correspond to columns in the inventory.csv file. You could have as many variables as you like.

hostname {{hostName|lower}}

enable password cisco123


username cisco password 0 cisco123

no aaa new-model

int vlan 1

ip address {{ipAddress}}



It is critical to have "end" as the last statement in the file.

Here is an example of running this script.  The output files are stored in the "work_files/configs" directory.  Notice that a suffix has been added to the filenames to make them unique. As the example scripts are using a sandboxapic in the cloud, multiple people can be running the scripts at a time. This suffix should be unique, so you do not clash with other users.  In production you would not do this.

Script for Creating/Uploading

In this blog all of the steps are combined into one script.  A template file is created, it is uploaded to the controller, a project is created and a rule is added to the project.

$ python3

{'site': 'Sydney', 'serialNumber': '12345678901', 'hostName': 'sw01', 'ipAddress': '', 'platformId': 'WS-C2960X-48FPD-L'}

created file: work_files/configs/sw01-config-6230

creating project:Sydney-6230



    "pkiEnabled": true,

    "serialNumber": "12345676230",

    "hostName": "sw01",

    "configId": "44e5e148-a64b-48b0-a321-76e5ff1008f4",

    "platformId": "WS-C2960X-48FPD-L"



{"message":"Success creating new site device(rule)","ruleId":"a740c94a-2a07-4f05-8c54-8eb54b547046"}


A file is created in "work_files/configs/sw01-config-6230. A project is created called "Sydney-6230", and a rule created using the configId of the file "sw01-config-6230".

Uniq client library

The first thing needed is a client manager to interact with the controller API.  The file in the parent directory "../" contains the code to do this:

def login():

    """ Login to APIC-EM northbound APIs in shell.


        Client (NbClientManager) which is already logged in.



        client = NbClientManager(





In the code we open a client manager called "apic" that will be used to make all of the REST APIC calls.  Below is a simple example of uploading a configuration file.

Note the apic.file.uploadFile call.   This is using the file API, and the uploadFile method.

def upload_file(apic, filename):

    file_id = is_file_present(apic, "config", os.path.basename(filename))

    if file_id is not None:

        print ("File %s already uploaded: %s" %(filename, file_id))

        return file_id

    file_result = apic.file.uploadFile(nameSpace="config", fileUpload=filename)

    file_id =

    return file_id

Looking at swagger, you can see how this call was generated.  You can see "file" is the collection of filesystem API.  "uploadFile" in red box is the call required to upload a file to the controller. Obviously it is a POST call.


Click on the /file/{namespace} POST API, to see the details of which parameters can be provided. Both "nameSpace" and "fileUpload" are used in the earlier call.


Asynchronous API Calls

The /file API are synchronous, meaning they block until the call is complete, then return the status and the id of the resource that was created.  For example, when uploading a file, you will not see a response until the file upload is complete.  For a large file, this might take a while.

All other POST/PUT/DELETE API calls are asynchronous, meaning they return a 202 response code and a taskId for the request made. For example, to create a new pnp-project, with a "siteName":"Sydney", you would make a POST to /pnp-project, you would expect a 201 HTTP response code, with the UUID of the resource. Instead the following happens:

  1. The POST will return you will get a taskId.
  2. GET the /task/taskId and the body have a key  "endTime" which indicates the task is complete and "isError" which shows the error status.  If the task completed without error,  "progress" will be the UUID for the pnp-project  (<pnp-project-id>).  Longer running tasks may require GET requests, until they complete.
  3. GET /pnp-project/<pnp-project-id> will return the newly created resource.


Uniq  simplifies task management with the wait_for_task_complete method.  The id of the project that was created is in the "progress" attribute (it is the "siteId" attribute).

def lookup_and_create(apic, project_name):

    project_name = name_wrap(project_name)

    project = apic.pnpproject.getPnpSiteByRange(siteName=project_name)

    if project.response != []:

        project_id = project.response[0].id


        # create it

        print ("creating project:{project}".format(project=project_name))

        pnp_task_response= apic.pnpproject.createPnpSite(project=[{'siteName' :project_name}])

        task_response = apic.task_util.wait_for_task_complete(pnp_task_response, timeout=5)

        # 'progress': '{"message":"Success creating new site","siteId":"6e059831-b399-4667-b96d-8b184b6bc8ae"}'

        progress = task_response.progress

        project_id = json.loads(progress)['siteId']

    return project_id

Cisco Spark Chat-Ops Bot Code

Cisco spark is a collaboration tool that has "room" based messaging.  Spark has a powerful API that is easy to integrate. This post is not going to cover every detail for Spark integration, just the highlights for the APIC-EM PnP integration.

There are two parts to the spark integration.  The first is the ability to post to a room.  This is done for each PnP project created, or when a PnP device rule is provisioned.

  The code below shows how this works.  You need to get an  "authentication token" from  This is used in the "authorization" header. You also need to know the roomId you are posting to.  Spark has an API you can call to get a list of rooms you are a member of, join a room etc.

def post_message(message, roomid):

    payload = {"roomId" : roomid,"text" : message}

    headers = {

    'authorization': AUTH,

    'content-type': "application/json"


    response = requests.request("POST", url, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers)

The second part is the ability to issue commands to the bot, and have it respond.  For example "apic show pnp-projects".  This requires a webhook to integrate to the Spark chatroom (see for more information) All  SparkRoom  messages will be received by My-BOT server.  The steps are illustrated below:

  1. A user types a message "apic show pnp-projects" in the Spark chatroom
  2. Their spark client client will post the message to the Spark server
  3. The webhook will POST the messageId and room ID to My-Bot.


The code to receive the webhook post on My-Bot is shown below (this is step #3)

def bot_webhook():

  messageid = request.json['data']['id']

  roomid = request.json['data']['roomId']

  message = get_message(messageid)

  process_message(message, roomid)

  return jsonify(""), 201

You then need to make an API call to spark to get the contents of the message (Step #4).

url = ""

def get_message(messageid):

    messageurl = url + "/" + messageid

    headers = {

      'authorization': AUTH,

      'content-type': "application/json"}

    print ("getting: %s" % messageurl)

    response = requests.request("GET", messageurl, headers=headers)


    return response.json()['text']

Next you need to process the messages, for example "apic show pnp-project".  This requires an API call to APIC-EM (step #5)

def apic_login():

    apic  = NbClientManager(server="",




    return apic

def apic_show_pnp_project(apic):

    response = ""

    projects = apic.pnpproject.getPnpSiteByRange()

    for project in projects.response:

        response += "Project {project}: count {count}\n".format(



    return response

The function post_to_spark(message) described earlier can be used to reply to the spark room.

NOTE: ANY messages that are sent to the room (including the ones you post) will be sent to the chat-bot.  Make sure you do not auto respond to your own messages!  You will end up in a loop.

Self destructing EEM script in configuration

A PnP configuration file is downloaded when the network-device first boots.  Some elements of configuration might be time sensitive (e.g. a virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) configuration).  In addition, there are some things such as VLAN defined outside the configuration file (e.g. vlan.dat – the vlan database).

To address this problem, an embedded event manager (EEM) script can be put into the configuration file. This contains commands to be run after the configuration is downloaded.  To ensure it is only run once, you can tell the EEM script to "self destruct" i.e. remove itself after it has run.   The highlighted EEM commands below will:

  • Create an EEM script called POST_PNP
  • wait 30 seconds
  • create vlan 15 on the network-device
  • remove itself after executing

line con 0

line vty 0 4

login local

transport input ssh telnet

line vty 5 15

login local

transport input ssh telnet

event manager applet POST_PNP

event timer countdown time 30

action 1.0 cli command "enable"

action 1.1 cli command "config t"

action 1.2 cli command "vlan 15"

action 2.0 cli command "exit"

action 2.1 cli command "no event manager applet POST_PNP"

action 2.2 cli command "end"

action 2.3 cli command "exit



What Next?

This blog covered more advanced topics such as embedded EEM scripts in the day zero configurations, using a client library (uniq) to make the code more efficient and integrating all of the components into a single tool.  It also showed how the API could be used to integrate into a spark chat room (Thanks to Jose Bogarín for that idea)

In the meantime, if you would like to learn more about this, you could visit Cisco Devnet.  DevNet has further explanations about this. In addition, we have a Github repository where you can get examples related to PnP.

Thanks for reading


Level 5
Level 5

The EEM stuff is really cool. Would never have thought of it. Very useful.

Integrating Spark with APIC-EM is great. I'm still thinking about use cases for POST calls but for GET is quite nice. We are working in a project with a big rollout and we are working in this chat bot to allow the project manager to get the information that he needs without having to go to an engineer.

I don't know if it's a feature in the roadmap but I think that having some kind of webhook in APIC-EM would be great for a use case like this. For example I can register to a PnP event and trigger an action in the chat bot, or any other system for that matter, when a new device is configured.

Again, great blog.

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Thanks Jose,

I appreciate the comments.

Yes, we are looking to add notifications in APIC-EM.  Please "make a wish" to add support for this.  At present, the only way to do this is poll/store state... which is how i am doing it right now.

Level 5
Level 5

Thanks. As soon as I'm in front of the computer. I'll get to my APIC-EM and make that feature request.

Level 4
Level 4

Oh my god, just spent about 8 hours trying to isolate why my PnP configs were failing...VLANS!!! When I remove the vlans from my configuration, the configuration deploys with no errors as I would expect it would.

Is the EEM script to deploy VLANs the only workaround for this behavior? I can't believe the documentation doesnt mention this at all.

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Jonathan,

It depends on the mode that you have chosen for VTP.  If you are using VTP transparent mode, then the vlans will appear in the configuration file and you should be fine.

If you are using VTP, then there are different considerations.  VTPv1 is default, but many people use transparent mode.


Level 4
Level 4

Maybe I'm hitting a caveat then. On 9300 running 16.6 code, I cannot push VLANs using the nomenclature:

vtp mode transparent (or off)

vlan XXX

name YYYY

With the VLAN statements present, i get a error 1410 in the PnP logs. Without them present, this process works flawlessly. Using your EEM script VLANs are added just fine, and VTP is also set fine with no EEM. It seems to me that MAYBE VTP isnt being properly set "in time" or "quickly enough" for the VLANs to be pushed properly.

I'll try an older platform (3650 on 16.3) to see if this still occurs. Your blog series has been awesome by the way.

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Jonathan,

Just to save you some time, I tested with 3650 - IOS-XE 3.6.6 and it works fine.  I am also able to replicate the issue on 16.6.1 with 3650.  It looks like the behvaior has changed in 16.x, so nothing to do with hardware.

I will chase down the root cause and update.

Thanks for the note about the blogs.  Just trying to help people out.


Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Jonathon,

There is a long back story, but the short story is if you are running the latest PnP v1.5.1.35 - released 14th Aug

you will be fine.

You can just download the PnP application (it is only 16M) and drag and drop it into admin -> app management

We have separated out the PnP app from the base platform now.


Level 4
Level 4

I was on before. Just updated to the 1.5.1 as you suggested and it shows success but doesn't actually push the vlans down.

Super simple config I'm using to test

hostname vlantest

vlan 10

name test1

vlan 100

name mgmt

vlan 689

name test2


Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

You need to have vtp mode transparent or off as well

Sent from my iPhone

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Here is my config file.  Note: I need to have vtp in either transparent of off mode.

vtp mode off

vlan 14

name management


vlan 20

name fred


vlan 999


Level 4
Level 4

I'm a knuckle-head. My last mini-test after the PnP upgrade I forgot the VTP step, everything is working great.

In summary:

  • PnP 1.5.0 could NOT push vlans to IOS-XE 16.6 switch unless a special EEM script was written, regardless of VTP state.
  • PnP 1.5.1 works great using "normal vlan configurations" (don't forget VTP!)
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

We made some changes in 16.x around strict syntax checking for configuration files.  PnP1.5.1 will take that into account.  It is actually a false negative, but PnP will do the right thing.

BTW, if you are really keen, you should notice that it is actually the "name" statement that causes the issue in 1.5.0.  You should be able to push vlan if the do not have a name.


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