Hi Everybody!
I am trying to get the configuration from a nexus 9000v virtualized in my home lab, I am always getting this error.
Exception has occurred: RPCError
File "C:\4_4 Modernizing_Network_infra_NETCONF\get_config.py", line 58, in main
resp = conn.get_config(source="running", filter=("subtree", nc_filter))
File "C:\4_4 Modernizing_Network_infra_NETCONF\get_config.py", line 92, in <module>
This is the complete code, it is one of the lab exercises in Pluralsight site and it is public.
#!/usr/bin/env python
Author: Nick Russo
Purpose: Using NETCONF with Openconfig YANG models to collect switchport
configs on a Cisco NX-OS switch via the always-on Cisco DevNet sandbox.
import xmltodict
from ncclient import manager
def main():
Execution begins here.
# Dictionary containing keyword arguments (kwargs) for connecting
# via NETCONF. Because SSH is the underlying transport, there are
# several minor options to set up.
connect_params = {
"host": "",
"port": 830,
"username": "admin",
"password": "*",
"hostkey_verify": False,
"allow_agent": False,
"look_for_keys": False,
"device_params": {"name": "nexus"},
# Unpack the connect_params dict and use them to connect inside
# of a "with" context manager. The variable "conn" represents the
# NETCONF connection to the device.
with manager.connect(**connect_params) as conn:
print("NETCONF session connected")
# To save time, only capture 3 switchports. Less specific filters
# will return more information, but take longer to process/transport.
# Note: In this sandbox, it can take ~30 seconds to get all interfaces
# and several minutes to get the whole config, so be aware!
nc_filter = """
<interfaces xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/interfaces">
# Execute a "get-config" RPC using the filter defined above
resp = conn.get_config(source="running", filter=("subtree", nc_filter))
# Uncomment line below to see raw RPC XML reply; great for learning
# print(resp.xml)
# Parse the XML text into a Python dictionary
jresp = xmltodict.parse(resp.xml)
# Uncomment line below to see parsed JSON RPC; great for learning
# import json; print(json.dumps(jresp, indent=2))
# Iterate over all the interfaces returned by helper function
for intf in jresp["rpc-reply"]["data"]["interfaces"]["interface"]:
# Declare a few local variables to make accessing data deep
# within the JSON structure a little easier
config = intf["ethernet"]["switched-vlan"]["config"]
mode = config["interface-mode"].lower()
# Print common switchport data
print(f"Name: {intf['name']:<7} Type: {mode:<6}", end=" ")
# Print additional data depending on access vs trunk ports
if mode == "access":
print(f"Access VLAN: {config['access-vlan']}")
elif mode == "trunk":
print(f"Native VLAN: {config['native-vlan']}")
print("(no additional data)")
print("NETCONF session disconnected")
if __name__ == "__main__":
The issue is that, it works perfectly in the DevNet Sandbox. Of course, the connection parameters are different of course.
# Dictionary containing keyword arguments (kwargs) for connecting
# via NETCONF. Because SSH is the underlying transport, there are
# several minor options to set up.
connect_params = {
"host": "sbx-nxos-mgmt.cisco.com",
"port": 10000,
"username": "admin",
"password": "*",
"hostkey_verify": False,
"allow_agent": False,
"look_for_keys": False,
"device_params": {"name": "nexus"},
This is the image I am testing with Nexus in my home lab.
Nexus 9000v is a demo version of the Nexus Operating System
BIOS: version
NXOS: version 7.0(3)I7(3)
BIOS compile time:
NXOS image file is: bootflash:///nxos.7.0.3.I7.3.bin
NXOS compile time: 2/12/2018 13:00:00 [02/12/2018 19:13:48]
cisco Nexus9000 9000v Chassis
This is the Nexus image that Cisco has public access in DevNet sandbox.
Nexus 9000v is a demo version of the Nexus Operating System
BIOS: version
NXOS: version 9.3(3)
BIOS compile time:
NXOS image file is: bootflash:///nxos.9.3.3.bin
NXOS compile time: 12/22/2019 2:00:00 [12/22/2019 14:00:37]
cisco Nexus9000 C9300v Chassis
I have enabled netconf already
NX1# show run | sec netconf|username
feature netconf
username admin password 5 $5$BOPMCF$
role network-admin
Could you please help me what is going on?