06-30-2021 08:30 PM - edited 08-12-2021 04:28 PM
There is a very fine line between writing something short-and-sweet and writing something comprehensive while losing the target “market” in the process. I have done all I can to make this document as “digestible” as possible without losing much of the important content but still maintaining some forward momentum.
Switch and/or router firmware had (past tense) a simple procedure, however, for IOS-XE each platform has different commands, process & procedures, and “gotchas”. Because of this, I have broken up the process into different sections:
WARNING: Cisco IOS-XE routers strictly enforce the file location of “bootflash:”. If “bootflash:” is not used, the router will boot into ROMMON -- CSCvg37458.
request platform software package expand file bootflash:filename.bin force verbose
more bootflash:packages.conf
request platform software package clean
IMPORTANT: When in doubt, upgrade the ROMMON.
WARNING: Do not reboot or kill the power to the router while the packages are (still) being written.
NOTE: Make sure this sub-directory only contains these two files. (Delete previous files, if necessary.)
microcode reload cellular <PORT> <SLOT> modem-provision bootflash:/MODEM/
WARNING: The cellular firmware upgrade will take, approximately, 20 minutes.
Router# microcode reload cellular 0 2 modem-provision bootflash:/MODEM/
Reload microcode? [confirm]
Log status of firmware download in router flash?[confirm]
Firmware download status will be logged in bootflash:fwlogfile
Microcode Reload Process launched for cwan slot/bay =0/2; hw type=0x102download option = 0
Router#Success !! send FW Upgrade command to card
The interface will be Shut Down for Firmware Upgrade
This will terminate any active data connections.
Modem will be upgraded!
Upgrade process will take up to 15 minutes. During
this time the modem will be unusable.
Please do not remove power or reload the router during
the upgrade process.
*Jun 25 2021 11:31:33.499 AEST: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Cellular0/2/0, changed state to administratively down
*Jun 25 2021 11:31:33.499 AEST: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Cellular0/2/1, changed state to administratively down
Modem Device ID: EM7430 MODEM F/W Boot Version: SWI9X30C_02.30.03.00
Modem F/W App Version: SWI9X30C_02.30.03.00 Modem SKU ID: 1102682
Modem Package Identifier:
Modem PRI Ver: 000.010 Modem Carrier Name: TELSTRA
Modem Carrier Revision: 002.044_000
FW_UPGRADE: Modem needs CWE, PRI
*Jun 25 2021 11:31:50.546 AEST: %IOSXE-3-PLATFORM: R0/0: ngiolite: WWAN modem Action:[remove] State[0]
FW_UPGRADE: Upgrade begin at Fri Jun 25 11:31:53 2021
FW_UPGRADE: Upgrade end at Fri Jun 25 11:33:08 2021
FW_UPGRADE: Firmware upgrade success.....
FW_UPGRADE: Waiting for modem to become online
*Jun 25 2021 11:33:35.445 AEST: %IOSXE-3-PLATFORM: R0/0: ngiolite: WWAN modem Action:[add] State[1]
Modem Device ID: EM7430 MODEM F/W Boot Version: SWI9X30C_02.33.03.00
Modem F/W App Version: SWI9X30C_02.33.03.00 Modem SKU ID: 1102682
Modem Package Identifier:
Modem PRI Ver: 000.010 Modem Carrier Name: TELSTRA
Modem Carrier Revision: 002.067_000
F/W Upgrade: Firmware Upgrade has Completed Successfully
This is definitely a keeper! I ran into the Gotcha identified in your article on three routers, 2 - 4331 and one - 4431. The renaming of the .conf files resolved my issue and all devices booted to the desired IOS version without issue.
I'm a beginner, ever after going through the whole procedure I'm stuck at various steps visa, is there any way, where the program can guide me where I went wrong?
@evaelfie we can't magically guess what you didn't understand!
Go through it step by step and make a note of your questions and then come back with very specific questions. Make sure you log everything you do (enable terminal logging before you start so you don't have to think about and don't lose anything). Provide actual commands you entered and actual responses you got to support your questions. If we see that info then we might be able to point out where you went wrong.
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