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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

If a Cisco IOS  Software upgrade is performed using the tftpdnld command from ROM Monitor (ROMmon), and the router boots successfully but no image is in Flash, then the -r switch was used when the tftpdnld command was issued. The -r option causes the Cisco IOS image to be written to RAM but not to Flash.

This option is useful if a Flash issue exists or if time is critical. The process is shorter since the Flash write does not occur. However, because the Cisco IOS image is only in RAM, a power failure or reload will send the router back to ROMmon since no image is in Flash.


If the tftpdnld -r command was issued to load the Cisco IOS, perform these steps  to copy an image to Flash:

  1. Do not reload or power off the router.
  2. Copy the Cisco IOS image to the Flash device using TFTP as shown in the Software Upgrade Procedure.
  3. If the TFTP procedure from Cisco IOS is not possible, perform the tftpdnld command upgrade procedure without the -r switch.

For more information on the tftpdnld command upgrade procedure, refer to How to Download a Software Image to a Cisco 2600 via TFTP Using the tftpdnld ROMmon Command.

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