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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Managing a system installation of NSO for an sysadmin is not that

complicated, as NSO is shipped with a useful commands and actions

that lets you start, stop and restart the NSO daemon,

create - and restore - CDB backups, apply engineering patches on a

running instance, fetch, install, load and unload packages and more.

And upgrading from one NSO version to another is nothing more than

installing the newer NSO version and change a symlink pointer.

All the above steps for the sysadmin quickly goes from not-so

cumbersome to quite cumbersome when you move from one NSO instance

to two, or more, NSO instances - not unusual if you utilize HA, NSO

clusters or NSO LSA - or a mix of all three.

Imagine you need to manage 16 NSO nodes - in a 8 node cluster setup with

HA, adding 8 more slave-nodes to the mix.

Now imagine upgrading NSO to a newer version.

16 nodes need to install a new NSO version,

16 nodes need to make sure it has the same packages

for the new version of NSO so that the upgrade phase goes smooth, and

16 nodes where HA needs to be activated in the correct order.

Thats for examples 16 symlink pointers that need to change...

The savvy sysadmin will of course not do all the above by hand, most

likely a cleaver script will handle it, but the script would need to

know quite a lot on the NSO system install structure, commands and


If only there were a bunch of *nix programs to hide some of

the logic that the sysadmin could use...

Well, luckily there are: NCT - a collection of tools for installing

and managing NSO nodes.

The purpose of this toolset is to aid the operational team, managing

and running a large scale NSO installation made ad-hoc for NSO.

NCT has been shipped with NSO since NSO 4.1, and consists of the

following tool set:

  • backup
    CDB backups on nodes
  • check          
    NSO status, such as version, northbound api availability and more
  • cli-cmdPerform a CLI command on the nodes
  • copy
    Copy files to the nodes
  • ha
    Interface the
    tailf-hcc functionality
  • install
    NSO on nodes
  • load-config
    Load initial config, running config or ncs.conf to nodes
  • move-device
    Move a managed device from one
    NSO node to another
  • packages
    Handle package installation/upgrades etc on nodes
  • patch
    Provide nodes with an engineering patch
  • ssh-cmd
    Issue a custom ssh command on the nodes
  • start
    NSO on the nodes
  • stop
    NSO on the nodes
  • upgrade
  • get-logs
    Fetch all the logs from the nodes

The commands are run from a terminal on the form

$ nct <COMMAND> --hostsfile <FILE> [Additional flags]

Where the <FILE> contains address information etc for the nodes in the


Each tool has its own man-page, and the easiest way to read its

documentation is using the 'help' command to nct, such as

# For general documentation

$ nct help

# For command specific documentation

$ nct help cli-cmd


$ nct help install


$ nct help <CMD>

NCT can be used both in scripts, as they behave like you'd expect a *nix command to behave,

with status codes etc, or as a power tool to manually supervise and operate NSO installations.

The tool-set is installed out-of-the-box with NSO on both system and

local installations.


the 16 node scenario described above is not a far fetched example

invented by my, but an actual customer use-case that successfully

used NCT to upgrade NSO and its packages to a newer version, all in

a live system.

For additional information and examples, I'd refer you to the NCT man


There is also an old blog post written by on of the tail-f

founders on his experiences with NCT here:

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