Hello dear,
I'm trying to buid netconf net for nxos.
I have clone : https://github.com/YangModels/yang.git
and make :
ncs-make-package --netconf-ned ../yang/vendor/cisco/nx/9.3-7/ nxos-9kv-9.3.7-nc
But I have too many error on make clean all such as:
yang/openconfig-bfd.yang:508: error: the node is config, but refers to a non-config node 'type' defined at yang/openconfig-interfaces.yang:293
yang/openconfig-if-aggregate.yang:103: warning: The XPath expression references an undefined node: the node 'lag-type' from module 'openconfig-if-aggregate' (in node 'member' in module 'openconfig-if-aggregate' from 'openconfig-if-aggregate') is not found
Your help will be appreciate.