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How to find Throughput of an Optical Interconnection Link ?


I want to find out Throughput of an Optical Interconnection Network by with the help of a simulator like Booksim2 / Sniper.
By definition, throughput is no. of bits ( or bytes) per second that can flow through a link.
In case of an optical fiber, if the modulation rate is 10 GHz and it is carrying 64 wavelengths, the total throughput is 640 bits/second. 
In many Optical Interconnect papers, CCNA Training  I am seeing losses are considered like bending loss,insertion loss etc. How losses can impact throughput of an optical fiber ? What is the mathematics behind that ? If somebody can suggest any material about this, that will be great help!!!!!!!!!

4 Replies 4

Joseph W. Doherty
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame
If you're asking about optical loss, that's but a decrease in signal strength. Until it decreases to a point where the receiver can no longer "understand" the modulated signal, it doesn't impact throughput. Once the signal becomes too weak, generally there's 100% throughput loss.

You can use OTDR to measure the overall loss of fiber.

But if you want to know if it is acceptable for switch to understand, there is command for this.

sh int ten x/x/x transceiver

output will list transmitting and receiving loss in dB value. you can check in log if any interface is throwing low alarm warning, if you are getting such log, try to change fiber core if available.

These loss values are depending on SPF module you are using. some of SFPs do not support this command.


have a good day.


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