I have an ONS15540 running with several applications on it. One of them is ESCON with a 15500-XVRA-01A2 module. My link between the two systmes is close to 85 Km.
As the IBM manager configures the ESCON application, he only can travel on one sense (A to B) but not on the reverse. He is configurating the IBM systems as CNC and CTN as the manuala says, but as I wrote above, he only can reach to the opoite site on the configuration CTC to CNC.
I am ussing a the Mux/Demux module 15540-MDXC-04C0, where I'm pleacing differnt signals as FiberChannel and GigEthernt on differt channels.
Checking the Cisco's Design Guide, for this ESCOn application just mention that the distance affects the performance on a 50% about after 9 Km, but there is no more information.
I was thinking about the power between IBM and ONS, because the technical specifications specify that an attenuator must be added to the TX when is conected to the IBM.
Can someone help me with this applications