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DeviceProfile with Location, Devicepool?


I guess you're as confused by that as I am. The AXL Operation addDeviceProfile supports location and devicepool, even though a devicepool has neither. There's a bunch of other attributes that make no sense for a device profile.

6 Replies 6

Level 1
Level 1

I guess it's done like that because auto generated device profiles for the phones DO need these parameters. When you select the option 'Use Current Device Settings' in a phone for the Extension mobility configuration, an auto generated device profile is created. my question is, is there any way of creating such profile through AXL? Did anyone experienced this when adding the Extension mobility option to a phone? thanks.



Well, I tried to do the following: do a getPhone on an existing phone and read out all its parameters. Use those parameters to create a new phone (just changing description and name).. that seems to do the trick. The problem is, when you delete the new device again, the one you used as a template gets hosed.. you can't access it anymore and if nobody is logged into the device, login is still possible but it's impossible to log out again.

There's a flag in the DB that's sets this profile as auto-generated, when adding your profile did you set this one manually?

There's a flag in the DB that's sets this profile as auto-generated, when adding your profile did you set this one manually?

Which flag are you refering to? And looking at the schema, a profile name / uuid is mandatory if you want EM to work. I can't say I've tried creating the full device profile for this since the phones I need to create are not EM capable and we normally use autoregistration so adding phones is a rare ocurrence for me.

The flag I mean is in the DB and not in the AXL request, that's the problem, via AXL I can't find a way of chosing which type of device profile I am creating.