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Fax retrieval

Level 3
Level 3

Can you still retrieve faxes from your voicemail box via the telephone when you install third party faxing such as lightning fax or can you only do it from Outlook?<br><br>

3 Replies 3

Not applicable

sure you can... if you have fax mail licenses installed and have the fax mail feature turned on for the COS of the user, they will get faxes in their mail stack over the phone and can deliver them as they like just like with 2.x... and, of course, you can also still fax emails with appropriate attachments.

Jeff Lindborg
Unity Product Architect/Answer Monkey
Cisco Systems (new page for Unity support tools and scripts)

Not applicable

Hi folks,

I have read early documentation that stated that only .tif, .txt and dcx were forwarded, with other attachment types being removed. I assume this was related to the period when Active fax was the integrated fax product used by Unity.

On the current version of Unity, when forwarding an email to fax via the TUI, what rules do you use regarding your forwarding of attachments to 3rd party fax products?

Your input would be appreciated.


John Garwood

Not applicable

By default the TUI will send along any attachment with a .TIF, .TXT and .DCX attachment. All other attachments are stripped off and included as a test string in the body of the email so the recipient knows they were included in the original message but not in the fax.

You can adjust this in the registry. You can use the fab AdvancedSettingsTool that ships on 3.x (you can get new versions off AnswerMonkey any time as well) or you can do it old-school and head to registry branch:

HKLM\Software\Active Voice\Malex\1.0\fax\FaxAttachmentExtensions

Add new extensions seperated by commas (don't include the period). Be careful, however, as many fax servers get real cranky if you sent it an attachment it can't handle and it'll flush the entire fax rather than sending what it can and moving on with life.

Jeff Lindborg
Unity Technical Lead/Answer Monkey
Cisco Systems (new page for Unity support tools and scripts)