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Special/Swedish characters in an AXL request

Level 1
Level 1


I am developing an application that is adding a user to the Call Manager (4.1). When I try to add a name with swedish characters (???) the CCM changes them to question marks "?". I have tried adding the swedish characters unicode encoded, ? = &#246, but then I get a AXL syntax error.

Adding the names with swedish characters using the normal CCM interface works fine.

Any idea what I could be doing wrong?

Thanks in advance


3 Replies 3


How exactly are you sending your characters and how do you verify that it has been written correctly? And what kind of element are you writing?

I'm able to create a device profile with description G?ran Persson and a user with the same name.

However, when reading back the device profile and user, the device profile uses latin1 encoding whereas the user comes encoded in UTF-8.


Everything should be UTF-8 encoded, though I must admit im no expert on the encoding standards so if there is something I need to add to the SOAP header or something like that please let me know.

The elements im setting are "firstname" and "lastname" in a new User. I am verifying it by looking at the added information using the normal CallManager admin interface.

The exakt same string im sending to the CallManager using AXL is also stored in a SQL database in another system and there swedish characters "???" works just fine.

Im happy for any ideas on how to solve this.

I believe it would be helpful if you share the code that writes the axl requests (I asked which ones you used.. you did not reply so far).

Here's an addUser request that uses an ? and a ? and my code - based on the java code from the sdk to make axl requests- has no trouble sending it.. and the user is created with the proper characters:" xsi:schemaLocation="" sequence="1234">


However, if you do a getuser, and use the same code to send / receive requests, the result will be distorted.. that's because data from the dc directory comes back UTF-8 encoded, whereas data from the database comes back as Latin (that's the default character set on your and my computer).. since the request can be sent without making any changes, that means you don't need UTF-8 encoding.. you should not do anything with the encoding, unless your default character set isn't Latin1 (it's the default throughout Europe.. even if you have an English OS, as long as the regional settings are for a European country, you'll have the proper character set..

Don't forget though: getXYZ comes back latin encoded if the data is from the SQL server, and UTF-8 encoded if it's from the DC directory.. so you have to tell the stream reader that the data is utf-8 encoded when you do a getuser (at least for ccm 4.1.3).