I tried to configure a simple EEM on Nexus 7K as VDC-admin. It is meant to trigger the "show interface brief" command when there is inteface shutdown activitity and send the output to the file under bootflash.
n7k(config)# event manager applet monitorShutdown
n7k(config-applet)# event cli match "conf t; interface *; shutdown"
n7k(config-applet)# action 1.0 cli show interface brief >> bootflash:showintbr.log
n7k(config-applet)# exit
n7k(config)# int e1/17
n7k(config-if)# shut
I ran several times, also modified the event to match only "shutdown" keyword as in Cisco configuration guide and nothing is working. Is there anything I am missing? Thanks!