08-08-2013 08:16 AM - edited 03-01-2019 07:23 AM
I have a doubt in a Design to deploy Nexus N7K Core connect to Nexus N5K with Double Side VPC interfaces. I Want Run L3 Protocol between devices. Where I need learn in Nexus N5K routes from Nexus N7K.
How is the Better Design? I Can configure only SVI on all devices to stablish this OSPF adijacency or I need configure Isolated L3 connection without Double Side VPC.
N7K-01 -------------- N7K-02
| \ / |
| \ / | Double Side VPC (Need L3 Routing Between Devices)
| / \ |
| / \ |
N5K-01 ------------- N5K-02
08-08-2013 09:08 AM
The problem with design is that you cannot form routing adjacency over vpc peer link
In your case to get it working you need to use non vpc Vlan for L3 routing or use a saparte link for forming layer 3 adgacincy
In both case won't work with double sided vpc
Static route may work
You should either keep layer 3 at the n7k only with hsrp
Or use layer uplinks between the n5k and n7k to have it all ospf enabled
Hope this help
08-08-2013 09:35 AM
Hi Marwanshavi,
Thanks for rapid feedback. If I understood I can user Double side VPC between Nexus N7K and N5K to work L3 routing protocol.
To a better design you recommend configure peer L3 Routing between Nexus N5K and N7K where I will have for example N5K-01 with to peer L3 connections to N7K-01 e 02 and N5K-02 with other peer L3 connections to N7K01-02.
I will need create any L3 connection between N5Ks to form L3 adjancecy connection between them or I can user peer-link interface?
08-09-2013 12:38 AM
My suggestion to you is either
Place layer 3 on the nexus 7k
Or use layer 3 routed interfaces between the 5k and 7k
Because using dyanamic routing over double sided vpc is not supported and even if you try to get around it you will add complicity to your design
Hope thus help
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