I am running the POAP script on nexus switches but facing one issue that, POAP file downloaded successfully but unable to download the Image file from the Artifactory server.
We have performed same operation multiple time it result was success. Only difference now is Artifactory server using the special Character in Password.
System Details:
Artifactory Server: JFROG,
Sample JFROG password: abcd / abcd$123
2023 Oct 30 03:52:58 switch %$ VDC-1 %$ %USER-1-SYSTEM_MSG: S/N[FDOXXXXXXX]-MAC[C0:F8:7F:C5:2F:3F] - Exception: <class 'errors.cmd_exec_error'> "\nCopy failed. Removing file nxos.9.3.8.bin.tmp\nERROR: ld.so: object '/isan/lib/libutils.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.\nERROR: ld.so: object '/isan/li
2023 Oct 30 03:52:58 switch %$ VDC-1 %$ %USER-1-SYSTEM_MSG: S/N[FDOXXXXXX]-MAC[C0:F8:7F:C5:2F:3F] - Stack - File: script.sh Line: 2225 - script.sh
2023 Oct 30 03:52:58 switch %$ VDC-1 %$ %USER-1-SYSTEM_MSG: S/N[FDOXXXXXX]-MAC[C0:F8:7F:C5:2F:3F] - Stack - File: script.sh Line: 2158 - script.sh