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2500 dialin

Level 1
Level 1

Hello I'm having problems configuring a Cisco 2500 with a US Robotics Total Control MP/8 v.34. I think I have a pretty good config but the modems never answer. Thanks for any help.

Here is my line config

line con 0

session-timeout 20

exec-timeout 4 0


line 1 3

login local

modem InOut

transport input all

autoselect during-login

autoselect ppp

stopbits 1

speed 38400

flowcontrol hardware

line 4


modem InOut

modem autoconfigure discovery

no exec

transport preferred lat pad telnet rlogin mop udptn nasi

transport input all

autoselect during-login

autoselect ppp

stopbits 1

speed 2400

flowcontrol hardware

line 5 8

login local

modem InOut

transport input all

autoselect during-login

autoselect ppp

stopbits 1

speed 38400

flowcontrol hardware

line 9 16

login local

modem InOut

transport input all

autoselect during-login

autoselect ppp

speed 38400

flowcontrol hardware

line aux 0

session-timeout 20

exec-timeout 30 0

modem InOut

transport preferred none

transport input all

escape-character 3

stopbits 1

speed 38400

flowcontrol hardware

line vty 0 4

session-timeout 20

exec-timeout 30 0


2 Replies 2

Level 6
Level 6

I assume we are using this setup for dialin into the c2500. I see different line configurations (also see no exec under line 4), this link should be useful:

Not sure what you mean when you say modem never answers, if we connect a phone device to the same analog phone line (where the modem was initially connected) do we hear the phone ring when we call that number?

Can you try the following init string for the USR modem (can do a reverse telnet into the modem & add this string)


Ensure we have dip switches 3 & 8 DOWN / rest UP.

Thanks, Mak

Thanks for the help Makchitale. I think I have narrowed down the problem. The Cisco cable CCAB-OCTAL-ASYNC is a "rollover" cable. The USR Total Control has different pinouts.

I found that USR made a cable (Part#80-000993-0) specifically for the Cisco 2511 & USR Total Control MP. Now the problem is finding one. USR hasn't made one in years. UGHH!

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