The RTM 1.4 installation dynamically creates Cisco Management Connection (CMC) files for each available application; these files initially reside in the \rtm\bin folder (on Windows systems) or /rtm/bin (on Solaris systems).
nGeniusS.lf--For nGenius Server
nGeniusT.lf--For Traffic Monitor
nGeniusK.lf--For Packet Analyzer
nGeniusV.lf-For Voice Monitor
Before starting the RTM installation, you must manually create the NMSROOT environment variable and reference the root directory where the CW2000 software is installed.
If CW2000 and RTM are installed on the same system, the files are copied automatically to this CW2000 folder:
On Windows: $NMSROOT\htdocs\xml\public\maintree
On Solaris: $NMSROOT/htdocs/XML/Public/maintree
CW2000 uses these files to create menus to launch nGenius Server, Traffic Monitor, Packet Analyzer and Voice Monitor.
If CW2000 and RTM are installed on different systems, or if nGenius was installed before CW2000, you must manually copy the CMC files to the location specified in the CW2000 installation.
After the CMC files are in place, you must reboot the system for the changes to take effect. Then, when you select nGenius Server, Traffic Monitor, PacketAnalyzer, or Voice Monitor, an nGenius graphic is displayed in the main CW2000 window (Management Connection) and the selected application starts. The nGenius
system administrator might create the same users and apply the same privileges from CW2000 to the nGenius system.