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IOS archive - download IOS version not listed on the download section

Hello all,

I'm trying to find an IOS image that is not listed on the "download software" section of a device, particularly for ASR1001X and version 152.4(S4). Is there any way I can find this version? Is there any archive for old or discontinuous IOS versions?


6 Replies 6

Mark Malone
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

ASR routers run IOS XE still on v3. I thought not IOS v 15 but anyway if its been removed there's no archive you could try open a TAC case against it and request it but if they have removed it its usually because serious issues were found with the version and they have taken it out of production

whats the full file name you could try search the internet most of the older versions have been uploaded somewhere

The full name is "asr1001x-universalk9.03.07.04a.S.152-4.S4a-std.SPA.bin, but i need to download it from the official source.

Thanks anyway.

Do you have another ASR you could copy it off?

I would really avoid using an IOS that has been withdrawn.  Especially if this is going into a production environment.

No, all my ASRs are on different version and I need this specific version due to internal corporate standards.

But, you're right! I have to avoid using a withdrawn IOS.


I think your company might have fallen into the trap of "we do it that way because we have always done it that way".

I think you should suggest the corporate standard is updated to use current supported Cisco software releases.  It is far too dangerous to use unsupported code in a production environment.

danger is only in them that has no clue how install any device,  cisco ibm all been locking out software on older hardware that cisco use to own and used , that right i got cisco hardware that they used them selfs, also apple age is not the probem, not at all i have 20 year old server and it is as powerfull as many of servers today,  the probem is internet, swichs servers should not be on internet nor should they be able to get out to the internet,  the call home program gives cisco user names passwords to cisco,  and also send them conf information,

now i must ask why,    also i seen cisco there ip address there password used on router and they reconfig the router so that i could not remove the setting, this device was no longer supported so why did cisco do this,  but u see i got cisco back i cant spell for reason have add,  so my mind see patterns in how things work, cisco debug program if it was ran in certen pattern i could pull all the information off there servers for that device ,  in fack i found contrack numbers when cisco pulled the keys off what cisco installed on unit what accounts was added, to swich danger is in your own software, and to cisco adding information complant to fcc got cisco to remove it , now this tells me that they can target any pc or swich, and note cisco and ibm software is all most the same,  i compair files and for most part are the same,  >>? anti trust  as also i map cisco servers useing microsoft servers, so u block ceten  micosoft servers u no loger access ceten things,   i have 10k in network montors, they look for anything, and can trace any server,  do u know how many cisco ibm hp microsoft servers that look for microsoft dhcp file wpad as it is trasmited throw all computers weather or not its config, they can get all information needed to clone a account,  some things look for wpad.mydomain, 

now last one i still cant understand, but i seen it as if u decied to block the first no one would think blocking the 2ed, and cisco also scans for wpad on all computers,  risk is in these busness that software was all sent to china so they decied to lock down all the softwrare and lot cases even del software updates, why ? they cant montor the devies, currently all microsoft software runs in vr throw no one can see this, i know this as i help microsoft for 20 years, so any one can start vmware clone u pc in about 10gb space and every time u get on line two are sink togather this cisco dose as well any config change triggers call home program to send cisco that config file,.throw this is a copy writed file to owner, not to cisco or any busness, ask them why there call home program sends information to them ask them see what information they get, i seen the logs u see with debug if u create a error where the debug program would hit the error u get logs , them logs contain this information , i do same with microsoft software with there remote access remove all users and add gust and lock account out, u get ton errors that remote access was being trigger , by microsoft,  but as microsoft and cisco working togather and all information is sent to china what happens if they put kill swich in all these things, what would happen if they could kill all servers all swichs, in usa,  well such software is built and no firewalls can stop it , throw keep in mind that cisco apple dont care what it is sends out information looking for servers, get them names get them ip address,.  u block what they do , and if u had any common sence u turn off ipv6 to the internet, this is odd when i was helping microsoft engeners,  i put ipv6 in doman dns table microsoft would remove them, ? why becuase microsoft cisco dose not want ipv6 resolve to any dns server but then why make a dns server to be able to config in this manner,   risk is not understanding what these busness are takeing from you , this called wiretapping  it is ileagle to montor what u do, throw most you puts domains on internet becuase u told this way to do it ,  when they should be isolated from the internet any one runs domain should have 3 dns servers,  3 one for domain one as back up one for internet that dose not have domain information on it , on all domain dns all root forwarders should be removed  as they not on internet no need for them note 3 of them gose back to microsoft ,  also microsoft has hidden registery enty that sets a tunnle to microsoft and is active so as long as u on internet,  but me being me i learn to block them , 


just one quistion from cisco why are u takeing information, why are you all makeing accounts that is above admin that admins has no access to , and why do u all have access to these devices, u all being in china one would think this be securty breach


o also bitchain been broken china got the busness broke the code and then put back doors in to it, so now code is useless ,

quistion is why chian doing this , way to control the world you control all computers regardless of os  u to control the country and in time of war usa gose back to stone age as all these units get swich off permently  risk cisco is the risk regadless of code u run

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