Ports configured with the "sticky" port security feature do not shutdown (errordisable) when a host with a different MAC address attempts to access the port. Note that the default of 1 secure MAC address and a violation mode of shutdown has not been changed.
The configuration on port fa0/1 is :
switch port-security
switch port-security mac-address sticky
switch port-security mac-address sticky 0010.4bf9.1f6a (this was the MAC address initially learned on the port)
When I connect a different host to port fa0/1 with address 0010.4bf9.1f74, the port does not go into the errordisable state as expected.
Note that if I configured a static secure mac address on the port with a configuration on port fa0/1 of:
switch port-security
switch port-security mac-address 0010.4bf9.1f6a
the port does go to the errordisable state, as expected, when a host with a different MAC address attempts to access the port.
Has anyone else observed this behavior? Is this a software bug?