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Remote Access bundling error

Level 1
Level 1


I have an AS5300 remote access server with 48 modems. I have a problem when an ISDN connection is made to the remote access server. The remote user gets authenicated to the server but when it tries to bundle the second line it discconnects the remote user. When I try with two analog modem connection it also errors after authenication when it tries to bundle the two lines together. I have a virtual-template configured on the server with ppp multilink. I have a dialer group with ppp multilink configured to it. Any thoughts on why this would happen on the bundling portation of the condition? Authenication is fine for users who connection on a single link 56k connection.

3 Replies 3

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

We need to see the following debug on the router which is receiving the call

debug isdn q931

debug ppp nego

debug ppp multi

debug aaa authorization

Also here is a url with sample config in that regards..


When I look at the second config my serial 0:23 does not have ppp multilink . When I try to add it I get an error that I can't change ppp values of a hunt group



Here is the debug for it:

23:16:32.626: ISDN Se0:23: RX <- SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x01C1

23:16:32.626: Bearer Capability i = 0x8890

23:16:32.626: Channel ID i = 0xA98393

23:16:32.626: Calling Party Number i = '!', 0x81, '2625229082'

23:16:32.626: Called Party Number i = 0x80, '1011'

23:16:32.634: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Serial0:18, changed state to up

23:16:32.638: ISDN Se0:23: TX -> CALL_PROC pd = 8 callref = 0x81C1

23:16:32.638: Channel ID i = 0xA98393

23:16:32.638: ISDN Se0:23: TX -> CONNECT pd = 8 callref = 0x81C1

23:16:32.638: Channel ID i = 0xA98393

23:16:32.666: ISDN Se0:23: RX <- CONNECT_ACK pd = 8 callref = 0x01C1

23:16:34.442: %ISDN-6-DISCONNECT: Interface Serial0:18 disconnected from

9082 ventisdn, call lasted 1 seconds

23:16:34.442: ISDN Se0:23: TX -> DISCONNECT pd = 8 callref = 0x81C1

23:16:34.442: Cause i = 0x8090 - Normal call clearing

23:16:34.486: ISDN Se0:23: RX <- RELEASE pd = 8 callref = 0x01C1

23:16:34.494: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Serial0:18, changed state to down

23:16:34.498: ISDN Se0:23: TX -> RELEASE_COMP pd = 8 callref = 0x81C1

Here is my show run

User Access Verification

smithbrothers#show running

Building configuration...

Current configuration:


! Last configuration change at 06:17:06 CDT Fri Oct 24 2001 by jwise


version 11.3

service timestamps debug datetime msec localtime

service timestamps log datetime msec localtime

no service password-encryption


hostname smithbrothers


aaa new-model

aaa authentication login default tacacs+ local

aaa authentication login no_tacacs local

aaa authentication ppp default if-needed tacacs+ local

aaa authorization exec default local

aaa authorization network default tacacs+

aaa accounting exec default start-stop tacacs+

aaa accounting network default start-stop tacacs+

enable secret xxxxxxxxxxxxx

enable password xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


username xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

username xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

username xxxxxxxxxxxxx

ip name-server x.x.x.x

ip name-server x.x.x.x

multilink virtual-template 1

async-bootp dns-server x.x.x.x

isdn switch-type primary-ni

clock timezone CDT -6

clock calendar-valid



controller T1 0

framing esf

clock source line primary

linecode b8zs

pri-group timeslots 1-24


controller T1 1

framing esf

clock source internal

linecode b8zs

pri-group timeslots 1-24


controller T1 2

framing esf

clock source internal

linecode b8zs

pri-group timeslots 1-24


controller T1 3


framing esf

clock source internal

linecode b8zs

pri-group timeslots 1-24



interface Loopback0

ip address x.x.x.x x.x.x.x


interface Tunnel1

no ip address

ip mtu 1476


interface Ethernet0

no ip address



interface Virtual-Template1

ip unnumbered Loopback0

no ip directed-broadcast

peer default ip address pool default

ppp authentication chap pap ms-chap

ppp multilink


interface Serial0:23

no ip address

encapsulation ppp

no ip route-cache

no keepalive

dialer rotary-group 1

dialer-group 1

isdn switch-type primary-ni

isdn incoming-voice modem

no fair-queue

no cdp enable


interface Serial1:23

no ip address

encapsulation ppp

no ip route-cache

dialer rotary-group 1

dialer-group 1

isdn switch-type primary-ni

isdn incoming-voice modem

no fair-queue

no cdp enable


interface Serial2:23

no ip address

encapsulation ppp

no ip route-cache

no keepalive


dialer rotary-group 1

dialer-group 1

isdn switch-type primary-ni

isdn incoming-voice modem

no fair-queue

no cdp enable


interface Serial3:23

no ip address

encapsulation ppp

dialer rotary-group 1

dialer-group 1

isdn switch-type primary-5ess

isdn incoming-voice modem

no fair-queue

no cdp enable


interface FastEthernet0

ip address x.x.x.x x.x.x.x

no ip mroute-cache


interface Group-Async1

ip unnumbered FastEthernet0

encapsulation ppp

no ip mroute-cache

dialer in-band

dialer idle-timeout 1800

dialer-group 1

async mode interactive

peer default ip address pool default

no fair-queue

no cdp enable

ppp authentication pap chap ms-chap

ppp timeout retry 5

group-range 1 48


interface Dialer1

ip unnumbered FastEthernet0

encapsulation ppp

no ip route-cache

no ip mroute-cache

dialer in-band

dialer idle-timeout 86400

dialer-group 1

peer default ip address pool default

no fair-queue

no cdp enable

ppp authentication pap chap ms-chap

ppp multilink

ppp multilink interleave


ip local pool default x.x.x.x x.x.x.x

ip classless

ip route x.x.x.x


no logging console

access-list 101 permit ip any any

access-list 199 permit icmp any any

dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit

dialer-list 1 protocol ipx permit

tacacs-server host x.x.x.x

tacacs-server timeout 25

tacacs-server key eyecom

tacacs-server dns-alias-lookup

snmp-server community public RO


line con 0

exec-timeout 0 0

logging synchronous

login authentication no_tacacs

line 1 48

autoselect during-login

autoselect ppp

modem InOut

modem autoconfigure discovery

transport input all

line aux 0

line vty 0 4

login authentication no_tacacs


scheduler interval 1000


The debug is inconclusive; add "debug ppp neg" for starters, to see what that indicates.

The "multilink virtual-template 1" command is really only needed for leased interfaces; you can just as easily configure all the VT stuff under the dialer interface (change the autentication and IP address of the dialer to be similar to the VT, then remove the VT). Don't worry about MPPP under the serial interface, it's not needed with the rotary group. For async users you would need to add MPPP to the group-async interface.

If the PPP debug does not seem to be completely helpful, then add "debug aaa authen" and "debug aaa author" to the mix.

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