I have a WS-C2960S-F24PS-L, running c2960s-universalk9-mz.150-2.SE. No RPS is installed:
sh env rps
SW Status RPS Name RPS Serial# RPS Port#
-- ------------- ---------------- ----------- ---------
1 Not Present <>
2 Not Present <>
Every now and then I get these messages in my syslog:
000054: Mar 19 14:27:25.329: %PLATFORM_ENV-6-RPS_PRESENCE: Redundant Power Supply(RPS) added
000055: Mar 19 14:27:25.329: %PLATFORM_ENV-1-PWR_RPS: Redundant power supply faulty or in standby mode
000056: Mar 19 14:28:00.954: %PLATFORM_ENV-6-RPS_PRESENCE: Redundant Power Supply(RPS) removed
What is the meaning of these messages? Is this somekind of bug???
Thanks in advance,