I've just implemented QoS across a an ATM link, details below:
router 1 7206
router 2 3640
Interface config
interface ATMx/0.18 point-to-point
description xxx
bandwidth 2000
pvc stornoway2 1/33
vbr-rt 1920 1920 200
inarp 10
tx-ring-limit 3
oam-pvc manage
oam retry 3 3 3
encapsulation aal5ciscoppp Virtual-Template1
max-reserved-bandwidth 80
service-policy output xxx
interface Virtual-Template1
ip address 10.x.x.x.x 255.255.x.x
ip tcp header-compression iphc-format
ip rtp header-compression iphc-format
When you use a virtual template it creates a virtual-access interface numbered between 1 and four. For some reason both routers have created four virtual interfaces and chosen to use virtual-access interface number 4.
I guess this is normal as the setup works well but why have four virtual-access interfaces been created and why are both routers using number 4 virtual-access interface?
Any comments welcome