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VPN3000 Console port

Level 1
Level 1

I found a VPN 3000 concentrator in our closet and was trying to put it into service, but I can't see anything when I connect to the console port w/ Hyperterm. I've tried a few different cables, all Cisco w/ one exception, all are straight through (flat) that work with other Cisco devices. I'm configured for 8, none, one, tried both hardware flow control and no flow ctrl. It seems to be going through POST because it eventually shows the 100mb lights on the ethernet ports.

I'm fairly certain there isn't any support on this box, but I wouldn't want to purchase maintenance until I'm sure it works.

Any suggestions?

2 Replies 2

Level 11
Level 11

VPN Conc. uses a special console cable. Its a straight through RS232 cable from PC To VPN Concentrator. You might have to make a custom cable for this.

Also the console port uses hardware Flow control.

9600 bits per second

8 data bits

no parity

1 stop bit

hardware flow control

Sankar Nair
UC Solutions Architect
Pacific Northwest | CDW
CCIE Collaboration #17135 Emeritus

Thanks. I guess when I was thinking straight through, I wasn't thinking RS232. The way I had it was probably like DCE to DCE. I'll have to see if I can find that old breakout box.


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