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Can the 831 do anything else than EasyVPN?

Level 1
Level 1

Hello, new to Cisco...

I have 831-router that I've been asked to setup with a 1720 on the other end.

I have no control over the remote end, and they send me lots of "crypto"-commands that I should enter in my box, but the only one the 831 seems to recognise is this "EasyVPN"-thing. The remote end does not want to do any "EasyVPN", they want it configured "the hard way".

Is this at all possible? Can the 831 take more complicated commands, or do I need to find any other product that can?

3 Replies 3

Level 1
Level 1

Editorial comment beforehand:

IMO, the 831 is the best box that Cisco has come up with in a long time. While it might take a moment to explain, I feel that it is a true change of thinking for Cisco, and those of us who use Cisco equipment. In it's market space, it can stand toe-to-toe with any other embedded VPN appliance out there, but on top of that, it allows you to use all of the technology that makes Cisco unique. If you support, or are thinking of implementing a Cisco site-to-site VPN, order an 831, and take a long hard look. It's the best thing to come out of any company in quite some time. If you have any questions, email me.

Well, now that I'm done with that...

In order to do what they're asking for, you'll need the full feature set software. IP/FW/PLUS, the PLUS being the important part. If you don't already have the software, you'll need to purchase it. My understanding is that the software lists for $150 US. The base software is very limited in what it can do.

Rob Luce


Sorry, maybe I was a bit unclear with what I wanted to achieve, or maybe (likely) my 831 already had this "full feature set" when it was delivered. Only I didn't know how to handle it.

However, after a session with the remote end, where they guided me through the setup, it turned out I could do all these "in depth"-settings after all. So.. the VPN is up and running now. Without touching anything EasyVPN-related. I think my lack of IOS-knowledge was the big factor here.

Thanks anyway for your assistance. If for nothing else, it was nice to read that the box itself was a good choice... :)

One thing is not clear to me, can I create a true site to site VPN with the EZVPN ?


Branch Site is using the Cisco 831 and has a 192.168. xxx subnet , Central Site has a Cisco 3015 installed and has a few subnets

After the VPN tunnel has been created will the branch site be able to reach all hosts on all subnets on the other side of the tunnel and vice versa ?

As I understand from the EZVPN client you can "extend" your network but the hosts on the other side of the tunnel need to be on the same subnet, or am I mistaken ?
