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problems upgrading 4230FE 3.1.3 app. Sensor to 4.x

Level 1
Level 1


I recently received my upgrade/recovery cd for upgrading my 3.0 sensors to 4.0 and have been having upgrade problems. I am attempting to upgrade 4230FE app sensors running 3.1.3(s38+)sensors and cannot get them upgraded.

It seems that during the upgrade process, the cd is loading SCSI drivers and then hangs...

I had some other pretty interesting upgrade failure messages but in my latest efforts, it hangs at "Loading sym53c8xx driver..."

Did anyone have any [similar] upgrade issues?(or not?)


6 Replies 6

Level 5
Level 5

I followed these steps while doing my upgrade did not face any problems, why don't you try this,

Level 1
Level 1

You say you are having trouble upgrading multiple IDS-4230-FE appliances with the 4.0 CD? How many have you seen this problem on?

Have you tried using a different 4.0 CD?

How long are you waiting once the "Loading sym53c8xx driver..." message is displayed?

Are you recovering via local keyboard/monitor, or using a serial connection (laptop or terminal server)?

Are you certain the sensors you are upgrading are IDS-4230-FEs, and not the earlier NRS-2FE appliances, which are not supported by 4.x?

"Are you certain the sensors you are upgrading are IDS-4230-FEs, and not the earlier NRS-2FE appliances, which are not supported by 4.x?"

Yeah, it appears the we have several older NRS-2FE well as the IDS4230-FEs..

It was my random luck to pick the older ones as upgrade test

Let me know if you still have problems on the 4230s.


I have 4 4230's using 2 different sets of 4.0 upgrade cd's experiencing a similar issue. Once the install is complete they only hang at a flashing cursor once you try to console in. At one point I was stuck on "GRUB loading stage". Any ideas? Thanks.

Are you recovering over the serial console, or using a local keyboard/monitor? Some IDS-4220/4230s had a second serial port installed in one of the PCI slots. You don't want to use that port for serial connections because the software isn't configured to support it.

Try connecting a keyboard and monitor to the system to see what messages are being displayed prior to the system locking up. This will help determine if the issue is with the recovery or serial settings. If you can login and configure the system using a local keyboard/monitor, we need to concentrate on your serial connection.