OS: Ubuntu 20 or Ubuntu 22
There is a /etc/profile.d/cmdlog.sh with the following contents:
function log2syslog {
declare COMMAND
COMMAND=$(fc -ln -0)
logger -p local2.notice -t cmdlog -- "${USER} ${PWD} [${COMMAND}]"
trap log2syslog DEBUG
There is a /etc/rsyslog.d/66-cmdaudit.conf with the following contents:
local2.notice -/var/log/cmdlog
Before DUO, user commands will be logged in /var/log/cmdlog
But after DUO installed, user commands will not be log in /var/log/cmdlog, even if I append the following content to /etc/bash.bashrc
function log2syslog {
declare COMMAND
COMMAND=$(fc -ln -0)
logger -p local2.notice -t cmdlog -- "${USER} ${PWD} [${COMMAND}]"
trap log2syslog DEBUG
How can I restore the log function to normal?