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DTL in VSM7.2

Chris Budnar
Level 1
Level 1


I have some shelved footage that isnt being pruned off. They have been on the server for approx 3 months now. I know that the DTL (days to live) sets how long they will be there for before they are pruned off. Wher is this value set? I just wish to check that it has actually been configured (the deployment has been passed onto me - was built by 3rd party)

4 Replies 4

Scott Olsen
Level 6
Level 6

From what I can assume from the screenshot, these appear to be 1 month LOOP archives that have since been 'SHELVED'.  It's my current understanding that 'shelved' archives are no longer actively 'running' and therefore, the 'Expire Time' and 'Event Expire Time' have no effect on pro-active grooming of the archivers.

I believe that they will actually remain on the VSMS instance housing them until they are either; 1) Manually removed, or 2) The VSMS instance hits the configured 'Max Storage Utilization %' value, at which point "the 200 oldest media files are groomed (deleted), until the free disk space is less that the Max Storage Utilization (%)"

As far as how to properly manually remove them (as opposed to letting the groomer handle it once under storage pressure), I'm not 100% sure :-S

Scott Olsen
Solutions Specialist
Bulletproof Solutions Inc.

Scott Olsen Solutions Specialist Bulletproof Solutions Inc. Web:

Thanks Scott

The issue we have is that due to these videos being on the server it says it is oversubscribed and showing as a red x in the servier list. The number of cameras are well below the limit of the server and there is still space but i would like these to be manually deleted as they are no longer needed

Well shoot... I had a large reply explaining why I think the storage estimation may be wrong, but my session timed out.

Long story short; I don't know of a sanctioned and safe way to manually purge shelved archives other than letting them 'age out'. 

If anyone else knows, pipe up?


Scott Olsen
Solutions Specialist
Bulletproof Solutions Inc.

Scott Olsen Solutions Specialist Bulletproof Solutions Inc. Web:

Chris please see bug ID :

Though it is not listed there, it is fixed in 7.5 if you do not have access to TAC to do a SQL query to fix it.

see page 53 of the 7.5 release notes