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VSOM not displaying feeds

Level 1
Level 1

Deploying the following CIVS Solution and running into issues with various components:



14 CIVS-HDD-1000

16 CIVS-IPC-2500

Upgraded VSMS/VSOM from 4.0/6.0 to 4.2.1/6.2.1 on Same SVR

CIVS-IPC-2500 FW 1.1.1 and 2.1.2

VSOM not displaying video feeds

-configured 15 IPC-2500 ( 2 units have FW 2.1.2 and other 13 FW1.1.1)

-enabled HTTP on IPCs

-configured userid20 - vsom pwd $sEcuR4!567$

-set up auth on VSOM to match userid20

-matched VSOM/IPC access info

-disable VMR

Able to click on camera IP in VSOM and browse to the IPC via the VSM and admin the camera. When goto view feeds the layout comes up and error msgs populate the screen with unable to connect, client resource issues, ect.

The client PC has 2 Quad Cores - 4 processors, 8GB Ram, Nvidia T4800 1.5G display card and I am able to view these same cameras directly with the same PC.

Looking at the RN is states the following and would like to ask for more clarity on the following with some details-What is installed properly? What is not?

If you are using the Cisco Video Surveillance Operations Manager, it may take a few attempts to bring up video the first time that a standard definition IP camera is selected

Verify there are no firewalls enabled on server?

Verify that VSM is installed properly <---How do you determine if it is properly installed?

Verify that the VSM driver, dp_cisco, for the standard definition IP camera is installed properly ,<

-TAC stated to remove special characters from vsom/ipc pwd

-Make sure using IE 6 or 7

-disable VMR

-upgrade FW on 2500's - I have 2 with 2.1.2 and they do not display -

How can I troubleshoot to determine the cause of the error msg? What does VSOM use to reach the camera feed as it displays the feed's name and not ip?


12 Replies 12

Level 1
Level 1

when you upgraded from 4.0/6.0 to 4.2.1/6.2.1

did you upgrade the database as well?

Sorry for the delay in responding.. I followed the upgrade procedure to upgrade VSMS $ VSOM 4.2/6.2 and updated the mysql - but if you have not used it prior to this initial install your okay?

I had to detour and investigate to determine my operating system sw on my VSMS as I was not sure if Red HAT, SLES, SUSE10/SUSE2 32 or 64 bit...,.

So found the following and choose wisely......

-Are you running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 or SuSE Linux Enterprise Server?

If  SLES, you can use "cat  /etc/SuSE-release" to reveal version and architecture.

If Redhat, use "cat  /etc/redhat-release". There are upgrade files for RHEL4, SLES 9, and SLES 10.

Then, for SLES 10 there's a 32-bit version or a 64-bit version.

If cat  "/etc/SuSE-release" shows for example "(X86-64) it means you have 64-bit  architecture, if it shows (i586) it's 32-bit architecture.

Is there any other way to determine? Also, what is the licensing on the SUSE with the VSMS?


What about the CLIENT computer.  What operating system, *specifically* are you accessing VSOM with?

Scott Olsen Solutions Specialist Bulletproof Solutions Inc. Web:

Scott Olsen
Level 6
Level 6

What operating system is running on the client PC?  Specifically.

Also, yes... try a single camera with a much simpler password (I've ran into the ame problem).  Turns out VSM passes the URI for the camera resource with the credentials URL encoded and in the clear so some special characters break the URL.

Message was edited by: Scott Olsen

Scott Olsen Solutions Specialist Bulletproof Solutions Inc. Web:

-Updated the VSMS/VSOM 4.2.1/6.2.1/MySQL5.0

-Removed special characters from password for the communication/.authentication from VSOM $ CIVS-IPC-2500

  As you set a "userid x" / username / password / administrator .

-Upgraded CIVS-IPC-2500 from FW 1.1.1 to FW 2.1.2 ( Long process )

***To fix issue with VSOM was too move the CIVS- IPC-2500 from FW 1.1.1 to tje latest FW 2.1.2.*** and modify the password for the connection to the CIVS-IPC-2500s

Side Note: On my laptop I have Windows 7 installed and when using this OS to download the IOS/FW for the upgrade of the IPC Firmware. I experienced an issue with the Windows7 niot functioning correctly. The utility would not display or notice a proper LAN/WIRELESS interface.

To fix that issue, right click on the file and goto properties - There will be associate with xp or something compatible. Check on that box and the utility began to chime.... Thought to share it.

Scott Olsen
Level 6
Level 6


I'm sorry, I can't seem to understand what you are trying to get at?  Has your problem been resolved by upgrading the cameras to latest firmware?

If not, can you confirm that you are lacking video while accessing VSOM from a client computer running Windows 7?  Is it 32bit or 64bit Windows?

Scott Olsen Solutions Specialist Bulletproof Solutions Inc. Web:

Moving the from FW 1.1.1 to 2.1.2 resolved severa; issues experienced

With Windows 7 - I experience mutiple browser crashes and shut down of the IE and have noticed that a feed duplicatead in 1 or 2 previewsc and 1 IPC is showing up in B&W

Level 1
Level 1

You can browse into the camera directly and view the status log.  Sometimes it will show the VSOM server trying to log in, but fails to.  It may be authentication issues.  If not try deleting the camera from VSOM and adding again (sometimes I had to do this, since updating authentication (username/password) on VSOM was not working for me.

Good luck!


-Removed special characters from admin password used for camera to vsom

-Upgraded CIVS-IPC-2500 from FW 1.1.1 to 2.1.2

Level 4
Level 4

Disabling VMR has no effect and that is not the cause of your problem.  I have encountered this error too.  Assuming you are at the latest FW for the 2500 which is 2.1.2 and your username/pw is like admin/cisco.

Delete the camera from VSOM and then add it again and tell me what happens.  if this works, it has got something to do with the XML for the thumbnail in the VSOM.  I bet if you HTTP directly to the camera, it works and only the thumbnail in the VSOM that seems flaky

I had disabled VMR in the initial thwart of the fine tuning of VSOM.. I was advised that the thumb nails do not truly work with Cisco IPC-2500. - do they not have a list of the associated error mesages from VSM/VSOM? As there is demarks as to the perspective of the VSM or Camera not reachable. It would be good to have a list of error messages and a brief tutorial as to w,w,w - who,what,why - as now I am just working with my client on fine tuning the feeds n archives -browser, Active X creativeness.

Level 1
Level 1

Did you get any install issues when first logging into VSOM? I have had dll registration issues which prevent operator view from working. Virtual Matrix still works on the same machine and admin mode can view the camera streams but operator view doesn't work.

The dll I had trouble with was BWMsrcfltr.dll.