02-02-2012 05:23 AM
Hello All,
I hope I'm openning this in the right place.
I have a question about the syntax of Cisco ACLs.
I have configured an ACL on my router using service-objects and network-objects in the service, sourceIP, and destinationIP fields of my ACL and it seems that the router changed the syntax of the ACL, the below line is taken fron the show running-config command:
access-list 123 permit not nbject-group evg_ser not1object-group evgeny dfobject-group shay log
and this line is taken from the show access-list command:
10 permit object-group evg_ser object-group evgeny object-group shay log
My question is, what is the 'not' and the 'not1' strings in the config line above (I didn't write down this two strings - the router added them by itself)
Maybe a bug?
Thank you