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ASA 9.0 SNMP Issue

Level 1
Level 1

Hi, I have configured SNMP and NMS is able to monitor ASA for a few minutes but after that it times out and the NMS says it can not connect on port 161. I can not run snmpwalk either, however if I try it from a different host, I can run snmpwalk. I have checked the logs and the following is what I see.

I am not using the management port but rather the inside interface and It seems that ASA is only allowing one NMS to connect to it at a time, though I have configured two servers.

snmp-server host inside community ***** version 2c

snmp-server host inside community ***** version 2c

snmp-server community *****

snmp-server enable traps all

Any ideas what is going on?

6Jan 22 201312:02:44302016172.21.40.4141344172.21.40.254161Teardown UDP connection 149192515 for inside: to identity: duration 0:02:05 bytes 258

6Jan 22 201312:03:06302016172.21.40.4153896172.21.40.254161Teardown UDP connection 149193020 for inside: to identity: duration 0:02:06 bytes 258

6Jan 22 201312:06:45302016172.21.40.4138487172.21.40.254161Teardown UDP connection 149198221 for inside: to identity: duration 0:02:05 bytes 258

6Jan 22 201312:07:02302016172.21.40.4148902172.21.40.254161Teardown UDP connection 149198712 for inside: to identity: duration 0:02:02 bytes 99

6Jan 22 201312:02:30302020172.21.40.410172.21.40.2540Built inbound ICMP connection for faddr gaddr laddr

6Jan 22 201312:02:30302021172.21.40.410172.21.40.2540Teardown ICMP connection for faddr gaddr laddr
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