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Member since ‎12-06-2007

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Hi, I have configured SNMP and NMS is able to monitor ASA for a few minutes but after that it times out and the NMS says it can not connect on port 161. I can not run snmpwalk either, however if I try it from a different host, I can run snmpwalk. I h...
Hi, I have been asked to setup SSL VPN with 2FA and using VeriSign VIP, I have searched but haven't found any documentation to show how VIP is used with SSL VPN anyconnect or clientless. Can someone please confirm if VIP is supported on ASA 5510 or i...
Hi, we have UCCX 5.0.2 enhanced version, and we have several scripts and one that is a generic one called no_menu and is used for many different client and certain variables are created as parameters which are used to play prompts.I have been asked t...
I have a h323 GW with SRST and added to CUCM6, I can make outgoing calls in SRST mode but I can't make calls normally when the PSTN is the only GW selected in the route group.I have a phone registered with CUCM and I want this phone to call outside l...
Hi, I am trying to allow SIP communication through our Cisco ASA firewall but I get the following error in the logs. It's almost like looping with these two error message. I have removed Inspect SIP from the global policy map and configured it under ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-06-2007 05:51 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 168
Total Helpful Votes Received 8
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