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CUE language problem

Vania Merzagora
Level 1
Level 1

                   I'm trying tto load the new language on my cue.

But at the end of download  the following message appears on screen:

Downloading ftp cue-vm-it_IT-langpack.sme.8.6.4.prt1
Bytes downloaded :  36038333

Validating package signature ... done
ERROR get_pkg_list:ERROR: Invalid package. Please verify if this is a valid package file.
ERROR: Invalid package. Please verify if this is a valid package file.

with the show software package on cue I see the following packages

Installed Packages:

- Installer (Installer application) (
- ServiceManager (Multiple Service Manager) (8.6.3)
- Thirdparty (Service Engine Thirdparty Code) (8.6.3)
- Bootloader (Primary) (Service Engine Bootloader) (1.0.3)
- Infrastructure (Service Engine Infrastructure) (8.6.3)
- Global (Global manifest) (8.6.3)
- Auto Attendant (Service Engine Telephony Infrastructure) (8.6.3)
- Voice Mail (Voicemail application) (8.6.3)
- Bootloader (Secondary) (Service Engine Bootloader) (
- Core (Service Engine OS Core) (8.6.3)
- GPL Infrastructure (Service Engine GPL Infrastructure) (8.6.3)

Installed Plug-ins:

- TimeCardView (TimeCardView AddOn) (8.6.3)
- PhoneConnect (PhoneConnect Application) (7.0.0)
- CUE Voicemail Language Support (Languages global pack) (8.6.3)
- Monitor Agent (Monitor Agent) (7.0.0)
- Madrox Multi-app Support (Multi-app support) (8.6.3)
- CUE Voicemail US English (English language pack) (8.6.3)

Can you help me?

Thanks in advance


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