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3750 Stack Switch Issue

Sunil Patil
Level 1
Level 1


I have Stack of 7 3750 Switches. In that Switch 1 is master with 15 Priority and other switches are Member but because of some reason switch 1 rebooted and then Switch 2 becomes Master because it’s having 14 Priority.

We have 2 uplinks which connected on switch 1 (1/1/1) and switch 6 (6/1/1) Tengig port. Also we have 4 AP connected on switch 6.

So we observed that the Switch 1 came up and after that 3 AP is disconnected from WLC. if we disconnect the uplink port on Switch 1 (1/1/1) AP will connect the WLC and using uplink 6/1/1 but if we connect uplink port 1/1/1 and disconnect the uplink port 6/1/1 all 4 AP will disconnect from Network.

We try to connect the Uplink 1/1/1 to Switch 1 other port 1/1/2 but face the same issue. So we reconnect the port 6/1/1 and used the same link which connect on 1/1/1 to switch 7 (7/1/1) and AP will connect on WLC. So as per this troubleshooting we thought some issue with Network Module or Switch of Switch1.

So we Swap the Network module between Switch1 and Switch7 and connect the uplink on 1/1/1 but face the same issue and if we connect the same uplink on Switch 7 Ap connect to WLC.

So we thought that Switch is having issue. But before raising an RMA for Switch we observer 1 more thing that. Earlier that when the Switch 1 is Master all 4 AP's connected to WLC and working fine but when the Switch1 became rebooted and Switch2 became Master issue started. So we rebooted the Switch 2 and make switch master and found that while connecting on port 1/1/1 of Switch port AP's are able to connect to WLC and Issue resolved.

So I wants to know that is there any requirement that If the high priority switch rebooted and after came up it should not be Master then connected uplink will not work.

Also let us know what’s happen if the high priority switch came up in network. Means it’s will became Master or Menber.

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