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Factory Reset on a Catalyst 3850 Switch Issue

Level 1
Level 1

I'm experiencing an issue that was referenced in this article from 2 years ago:

However, I'm not trying to do a password recovery. I need to do a factory reset because I set some "aaa" configurations on the switch and it wont let me in now. I can't even get a login or password prompt. I've rebooted, broken the boot sequence using the "Mode" button, did the "flash_init" and there is where I get stuck. A "dir flash:" shows the following list:

54209  drwx  4096       .

    2  drwx  4096       ..

54210  -rwx  2097152    nvram_config

54211  -rwx  74410468   cat3k_caa-base.SPA.03.02.00SE.pkg

54212  -rwx  2773680    cat3k_caa-drivers.SPA.03.02.00.SE.pkg

54213  -rwx  32478044   cat3k_caa-infra.SPA.03.02.00SE.pkg

54214  -rwx  30393116   cat3k_caa-iosd-universalk9.SPA.150-1.EX.pkg

54215  -rwx  18313952   cat3k_caa-platform.SPA.03.02.00.SE.pkg

54216  -rwx  63402700   cat3k_caa-wcm.SPA.

54217  -rwx  1218       packages.conf

54218  -rw-  556        vlan.dat

54219  -rwx  57         express_setup.debug

Which brings me to my sticking point. I try to delete and/or rename the nvram_config and vlan.dat and it tells me that it is a read only file system and that the file is not deleted. What am I doing wrong?




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