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PPPoE not working on a CSR1000V bridge-domain

Level 1
Level 1

Hello Cisco fans,


I have a problem with a proof-of-concept config on a CSR1000V in my lab.


I have set up a full PPPoE server configuration with L2TP forward (bba, vpdn, virtual template...) with a bba-group named PPP.

When I enable the server on my local interface, my client (an old 1841 with a pppoe-client dial-pool-number) in the same LAN connect without problem:

interface GigabitEthernet1
 no ip address
 pppoe enable group PPP


But when I switch my PPPoE server to a bridge-domain, it seems the server process don't receive "PADI" packets anymore:

bridge-domain 12
interface GigabitEthernet1
 no ip address
 service instance 1 ethernet
  encapsulation untagged
  bridge-domain 12
interface BDI12
 no ip address
 pppoe enable group PPP


When the client sends PADI packets, the input count of Gi1 increments but the input count of BDI12 don't. And "debug pppoe packets" won't display any packet on the CSR side.

I already tried to put an IP on BDI12, and I can ping it without problem from my test client, so the connectivity seems ok.


For information, I need to move my PPPoE server to a BDI interface because the final idea is to receive requests from partners NNI over remote pseudowires, not locally:

l2 vfi ppp-test manual
 vpn id 12
 bridge-domain 12
 neighbor 1234 encapsulation mpls

This part is ready (pings works with static IPs) but same problem with PPPoE packets.


Does anyone have any idea why the PPPoE is not working on the BDI interface?

Thanks for your help !


Best regards,



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