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ASR 1000-X series licenses.


I need help to understand the AR 1000 licenses.

1) What is the main advantage of the IPSec license (FLASR1-IPSEC-RTU), can the Encryption work without it?

2) I have understood that ordering a Cisco ASR 1000 Advanced IP Services License  (ASR SLASR1-AIS) should have the encryption enabled, if this is correct, why i need to purchase the IPSec license?

3) what is the difference between the Advanced IP Service and Advanced Enterprise Service licences ? Cisco only specifies that the AIS is same to AES but doesn't include "older protocols?

4) I have understood that RTU license is embedded in the Router, does this means that accepting EULA will enable it, but for example if i didn't purchase the IPSec license and then accept the EULA, it will be an evaluation license what will happen when the evaluation period finish?



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