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Import user installed certificate in 7925G

Level 1
Level 1



I am trying to import a user installed certificate into my 7925G cisco IP Phone.


I used the following procedure page 98 :


I created a CSR and imported the certificate of the CA server that is signing the request into my cisco phone (I also tried to make it by importing the server certificate of the root CA). But when I import the certificate signed by the CA in the 7925G, I get the following error : "User certificate installation failed"


Do you know what does this message mean ?


My user installed certificate is :

  • .der encoded
  • Signed with SHA-1
  • 2048 key size
  • In certificate detail tab, I do not see any entry for CRL or Certificate renewal 
  • Client Authentication is listed in the Enhanced Key Usage
  • The date and time is correctly configured in my Cisco Phone

Thank you for your help !




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