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Cisco AnyConnect - One User Gets Login Failed Attempting to Connect to VPN

Level 1
Level 1

Hello everyone,

I have a weird issue going on in our environment. We have a Cisco ASA configured to allow our users to VPN into our network from home. They're using the Cisco AnyConnect client to do so. We haven't had a single issue in two years since this has been set up and we have licensing for many users to be connected at once. All of a sudden, just one specific user cannot log into our VPN anymore. Every time she tries it says "login failed" and won't accept her credentials.

We have tried changing her password, verifying that "change password at next login" is not enabled, made sure she isn't locked out, checked the "do not allow kerberos preauthentication" box, tried logging in on a different computer and user account, ect. Nothing works. It seems to be an issue with the individual's AD account. I'm completely stumped as to why this user cannot connect to the VPN. She was able to connect before without any issues.

Anyone have any suggestions as to why this could be happening and what I could do to troubleshoot and potentially fix it? My workaround is to basically create a brand new user account for her to use solely for VPN access.


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