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Unity Connection Error " A User with the specified extension already exists in the Partition"

Alok Jaiswal
Level 4
Level 4

Hi Folks,

I need some help to troubleshoot the error message below in unity connection.

"  A User with the specified extension already exists in the Partition."

I need to assign extension 8200 to the call handler i created.The problem is 8200 was referenced in past by another call handler for some other site which is not there any more.

There was a forward routing rule for the old site call handler with reference to 8200. Hence i deleted the old call handler and the routing rule. however still it doesn't allows me to assign the 8200 extension to my new call handler.

I checked the system and can't find 8200 specifically anywhere. Is there any commands to run via root to find reference in unity. Or is there a way i can find dependency records for the number in the unity connection ??

I am running 11.5 version.



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