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Netflow and OTV

Kevin Dorrell
Level 10
Level 10

Nexus 7700 version 6.2.

Can someone confirm whether this is possible? - I have OTV between two data centres, and I would like to see some statistics concerning which pairs of IP addresses are using the OTV.  The objective is to try and put the pairs of heavy talkers in the same data centre, in order to minimise the traffic across the Data Centre Interconnect.

I tried Netflow on the interfaces of the DCI links.  Yes, I do see the routed flows where the VLANs are specific to each Data Centre.  But for the traffic that goes through the OTV tunnel, I see only the four flows between the OTV join interfaces.  And of course, that amounts to over 99% of the traffic, and so is not very useful.  What I would really like would be to see the individual flows inside the OTV tunnel.

I thought of using layer-2 netflow on the point where the Data Centre joins the OTV vdc, but that only tells me about the MAC addresses ... and of course most of the traffic is to or from a MAC address of one or other of my aggregation routers.

Any ideas anyone?

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