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rv325 accidentally opens ports 8007 and 8008 to remote management

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I have an rv325 with firmware version (the latest as of now).  I recently performed the upgrade to this firmware.

I don't allow anything to connect to it from the outside except for port 443, which I have forwarded to an internal server.  Remote management is disabled (the "enable" box is unchecked) on the Firewall/General screen.

I port-scanned the system from the outside using nmap.  Surprise - tcp ports 8007 and 8008 were open.  Even bigger surprise, port 8007 was the management interface - over http (not https)!  I was able to log in successfully.

I was able to mitigate this by creating a firewall rule to block these two ports from the WAN.  But ...if I hadn't run the scan, I would have never known this.  As far as I can tell, there's no setting to either enable or disable this behavior.  Isn't this a pretty major security flaw?  How many people have these ports open and don't know it?

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