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Firepower Threat Defense use Both Firewall and IPS on same interface

Level 1
Level 1

I'm looking at replacing the FP7030 with the FP2110 or higher. I was intrigued with the options to have a firewall and IPS on one box using the FTD Image. After scanning the documents for configuration setup. We will use the FTD firewall mode, but it looks as if we can't use the IPS function. Is it accurate to say that even though both modes are supported in the same appliance that we will only be able to use the Firewall mode but cant use the IPS function on that same network? I want to use this to do inter-vlan routing at the firewall and then send data to router if needed to WAN, but that requires the firewall to have physical sub interfaces, but then we wont be able to use the IPS because that is a network tap and traffic is then forwarded to one interface to the next without routing. I thought the FTD was a combination of services that could be utilized. Are there some valid solutions to apply a security policy to the firewall interfaces?



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