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Deployment Failed - Failed to Create User Data

Level 1
Level 1

Hi all,

I have installed the C3 infrastructure, the CCO for the cloud region (VMware) shows Running status, mapped the Image ID for the cloud, and modeled a 1 tier application using only a single image mapping.

I found the following post and double checked everything it mentions: How does CloudCenter support VMware templates

Full error detail from UI: "Failed to launch VM's..failed to create userdata\n Additional logs for debugging is :Failed to launch VM's..failed to create userdata"

Searching through Kibana I found the following error messages from /usr/local/cliqr/logs/gateway.log, but unable to get more context. Is the bootstrap script a dependency or could it cause the error the UI reflected?

service.LifecycleClusterStartAction [threadPoolExecutor-5] - Exception occurred while launching VMs

impl.GatewayServiceImpl [threadPoolExecutor-5] - Failed to read linux bootstrap script from URL, but worker images should still work.

event.LifecycleEventProcessor [threadPoolExecutor-5] - Exception occurred while resolving Action-event.

service.LifecycleClusterStartAction [threadPoolExecutor-5] - Exception occured in lifecycle

I changed the level to debug on the gateway.log and got a little more, but still nothing that helps define what "user data" is. It just looks like it inits a new deployment is missing "userdata" and fails the deployment.

com.osmosix.gateway.GatewayServiceException: com.osmosix.gateway.GatewayServiceException: failed to create userdata

at com.osmosix.gateway.lifecycle.event.LifecycleAgentListener.onApplicationEvent( [classes!/:4.8.2]

Caused by: com.osmosix.gateway.GatewayServiceException: failed to create userdata

... 28 more

at org.springframework.context.event.SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster.multicastEvent( [spring-context-4.3.11.RELEASE.jar!/:4.3.11.RELEASE]

at com.osmosix.gateway.impl.GatewayServiceImpl.createInstancesAsync( ~[classes!/:4.8.2]

at<init>( ~[?:1.8.0_152]

at [spring-context-4.3.11.RELEASE.jar!/:4.3.11.RELEASE]

at com.osmosix.gateway.lifecycle.action.orchestration.common.AbstractNodeStartAction.launchAsync( ~[classes!/:4.8.2]

at [spring-context-4.3.11.RELEASE.jar!/:4.3.11.RELEASE]

Caused by: no protocol:

Who Me Too'd this topic