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I'm running a fresh install of ISE 2.4 patch 6 in a VM (single server not cluster). I've installed the OVA on an ESX server. I'm using the trial license so I don't have TAC support. I am unable to do a config backup as it fails due to an "Application backup error". I wasn't able to run a config backup before patching either. I thought that it may have been an issue in the 2.4 unpatched. I can run an operational backup without issue. I patched from the same repository so I know that connection is fine. I've restarted several times.


ISENodeA/admin# backup Config_Backup_2.4_Patch6_Initial repository Repository_FTP ise-config encryption-key plain xxxxx

% Internal CA Store is not included in this backup. It is recommended to export it using "application configure ise" CLI command
% Creating backup with timestamped filename: Config_Backup_2.4_Patch6_Initial-CFG10-190305-1943.tar.gpg
% backup in progress: Starting Backup...10% completed
% backup in progress: Validating ISE Node Role...15% completed
% backup in progress: Backing up ISE Configuration Data...20% completed
% backup in progress: Backing up ISE Indexing Engine Data...45% completed
% Application backup error


If I check the backup history it says "ISE INDEXING ENGINE BACKUP FAILED"


ISENodeA/admin# show backup history

Tue Mar 5 19:45:54 AEST 2019: backup Config_Backup_2.4_Patch6_Initial-CFG10-190305-1943.tar.gpg to repository Repository_FTP: failed - ISE INDEXING ENGINE BACKUP FAILED : Errors in ADE.log. Backup aborted


I can see that the indexing engine isn't running on the ISE node but everything else is. I've seen a few posts of people with issues when the indexing engine isn't running but nothing relates exactly to my issue.


ISENodeA/admin# show application status ise | inc Index
ISE Indexing Engine not running


If I look in ADE.log then I see the below "Failed connect to localhost:9200; Connection refused" and the indexing error.


ISENodeA/admin# show logging system ade/ADE.log
2019-03-05T19:45:54.490619+10:00 ISENodeA admin: error:[] ISE Indexing Engine Backup Failed: Details in ADE.log
2019-03-05T19:45:54.492365+10:00 ISENodeA admin: error:[] Following errors occurred when running command curl -m 600 -sS -k -XGET 'https://localhost:9200/ise/nad/_search?scroll=5m&pretty' -d ' {"size": 10000, "query": {"match_all": {} }}'
2019-03-05T19:45:54.556661+10:00 ISENodeA admin: info:[] curl: (7) Failed connect to localhost:9200; Connection refused
2019-03-05T19:45:54.563574+10:00 ISENodeA ADE-SERVICE[911]: [12370]:[error] backup-restore:backup: br_backup.c[796] [admin]: ISE INDEXING ENGINE BACKUP FAILED : Errors in ADE.log. Backup aborted
2019-03-05T19:45:54.565864+10:00 ISENodeA ADEOSShell[12370]: ADEAUDIT 2012, type=BACKUP, name=BACKUP FAILED, username=admin, cause=A backup has failed, adminipaddress=, interface=CLI, detail=ISE INDEXING ENGINE BACKUP FAILED : Errors in ADE.log. Backup aborted
2019-03-05T19:45:54.568426+10:00 ISENodeA ADEOSShell[12370]: ADEAUDIT 3013, type=BACKUP, name=BACKUP FAILED, username=admin, cause=Error during backup, adminipaddress=, interface=CLI, detail=ISE INDEXING ENGINE BACKUP FAILED : Errors in ADE.log. Backup aborted
2019-03-05T19:45:54.570580+10:00 ISENodeA ADE-SERVICE[911]: [12370]:[info] backup-restore:backup: br_history.c[487] [admin]: updating /tmp/ise-cfg-br-flags with status: complete and message: (null)
2019-03-05T19:45:54.570583+10:00 ISENodeA ADE-SERVICE[911]: [12370]:[info] backup-restore:backup: br_cli.c[1128] [admin]: error message: Application backup error
2019-03-05T19:46:39.349320+10:00 ISENodeA ADE-SERVICE[911]: [18123]:[info] utils: vsh_pipe.c[49] [admin]: Invoked pipe handler


I've looked around for potential issues. I have plenty of space on all disk partitions, I have forward and reverse DNS entries (check from the NODE CLI works fine), NTP is running and sync'd, my Admin cert if still valid etc. I can see in the ise-psc.log:


ISENodeA/admin# show logging application ise-psc.log

2019-03-05 19:45:54,716 INFO [AdeSyslogProcessor][] cpm.infrastructure.systemconfig.syslogproc.AdeSyslogContent -::::- SCH: InfraTCPMessage: msg: InfraUdpMessage: <130>Mar 5 19:45:5
4 ISENodeA ADEOSShell[12370]: ADEAUDIT 2012, type=BACKUP, name=BACKUP FAILED, username=admin, cause=A backup has failed, adminipaddress=, interface=CLI, detail=ISE INDEXING ENGINE BACKUP FAILED : Errors in ADE.log. Backup aborted
2019-03-05 19:45:54,716 INFO [AdeSyslogProcessor][] cpm.infrastructure.systemconfig.syslogproc.AdeSyslogContent -::::- SCH: messageCode is : 2012
2019-03-05 19:45:54,716 INFO [AdeSyslogProcessor][] cpm.infrastructure.systemconfig.syslogproc.AdeSyslogContent -::::- SCH: InfraTCPMessage: msg: InfraUdpMessage: <130>Mar 5 19:45:5
4 ISENodeA ADEOSShell[12370]: ADEAUDIT 3013, type=BACKUP, name=BACKUP FAILED, username=admin, cause=Error during backup, adminipaddress=, interface=CLI, detail=ISE INDEXING ENGINE BACKUP FAILED : Errors in ADE.log. Backup aborted
2019-03-05 19:45:54,716 INFO [AdeSyslogProcessor][] cpm.infrastructure.systemconfig.syslogproc.AdeSyslogContent -::::- SCH: messageCode is : 3013
2019-03-05 19:45:54,716 INFO [AdeSyslogProcessor][] cpm.infrastructure.systemconfig.syslogproc.AdeSyslogContent -::::- AUDITMSG : unsupported cars audit message code :3013ate is installed on Administration->System->Certificates->Trusted Certificates. If not, install them and restart application services. Exception: None of the configured nodes are available:


Anyone have any ideas?



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